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The Sailor Moon Ring of Truth

people have graced our ring homepage since July 26th.
The Sailor Moon Ring of Truth is a ring of the sites of the people in our Sailor Moon mailing list. If you would like to join the ring and are not already in the list, then when you join the ring, you will be added to the list. If you would like to join the mailing list and you don't want to join the ring for whatever reason (such as you do not have a website) then e-mail me, and I'll add you.
Go to a list of all the sites in the ring.
Go to a random site in the ring.

How to join

  1. You need to fill out the form below and then click on the Add to Queue button. Only click on the button once. If you screwed up on the information, contact me to fix it.When you to the screen that says that you've been added to the queue, and it spits back at you everything that you just put int he form, you will be given a site id. WRITE IT DOWN!!! You will need it in later steps to joining the ring.

    Your page's URL:
    Your page's title:
    Your e-mail address:
    Create your password:
    ¤ Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site:
    ¤ Description: Enter a short description of your site:

    ¤ = an optional field

  2. Add the HTML fragment to your page. You can't be added to the ring until you put the HTML on your page! (IMPORTANT! If you use AOLpress or any other wysiwyg publishers, you must use this HTML fragment, it is harder to edit, but you must use it. Don't open this file in AOL, use a text editor.) There will be parts of it with things like *your_name* and *your_id*. These parts need to be replaced guessed it, your name and your id. The *'s are not part of the HTML, they are meant to draw your attention to places where it is necessary for you to fill in information. This is the place where you put the information that you wote down in the last step to good use. If you really do not want to do the html by yourself, send me an e-mail containing your site id, your name, and if you use AOLpress. I will e-mail you the proper HTML fragment for your page. After you've added it it should look something like this:

    This site is part of the
    Sailor Moon Ring of Truth
    and is owned by *your_name*.

    Click for the
    [ Next Site | Skip It | Previous | Next Five | Random Site]

    To join the ring, and the fun
    Click here for info.

  3. Since you are not yet in the ring, the links will not yet work. Now you need to wait to be added to the ring. You can be added by waiting patiently for me to check the queue, contacting me, or asking another member of the ring to add you.

Soon there will be different ring graphics for you to choose from. I may even decide to test my image map skills by creating an image map ring graphic. For the time being, though, you will have to settle for what is automatically given to you.


You can edit your site information with the below form.

Site ID:

You can add members to the ring by going to the queue.

This page was last updated July 26, 1997
It was created July 10, 1997
you can contact me, the webmistress and ringmistress at:
Visit my homepage, The Sixth Best Sailor Moon Site in the World.