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The Rock









Standing on the rock, overlooking the morning waters,
a blanket of fog covers the lake and all that surrounds it~
hiding all its treasures and wonders from my eye.
The gentle touch of the pre-dawn waters caresses the shore
and the soothing sound reaches my ear, touching my soul.
A warm morning breeze, so light and tantalizing 
brushes my face with the morning mist, 
and runs its fingers through my hair.
The first hint of morning light stretches itself atop the trees 
casting a glistening 'Good Morning' to all below.
I stand looking at all that has has been placed before me
and I feel like the Creator admiring His work ~
I know that it is good.
Today is the first day of the rest of my life...... 
And now I understand.


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A glimmer of understanding
                                        A wisp of awareness
                                    A flash of light passes through me
                                           and I know !
                                        And then it is gone..... 
                                       What have I been told? 
                                        I can almost feel it..... 
                                        I almost understand.... 
                              And I wonder why I have been allowed to know
                           I wonder how many others have been shown this wonder
                                     And I long to become aware.
                               Connecting the universe is an energy strong
                                      It IS life... and it is more
                                     We are here for a moment,
                               To explore, to learn, to test this 3-D world
                               Each trial, each joy, is but an experiment, 
                             a learning experience to be used in another time
                                           another space
                          that which is beyond our knowledge and understanding
                                       that which is life itself
                                         Is this what I felt? 
                                Was this the lesson I was shown so briefly
                                       I want the moment back 
                                        I want to understand
                                         and yet.... I know
                                          That THIS is life
                                      Searching, seeking, learning.

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I am me...... 
                                      I am my past and my future
                                      I am all that I have learned 
                                 and all that is waiting for me to discover
                         That which I learn to understand has been inside me all  along
                                 Waiting for the moment of enlightenment
                                    And I am amazed at what is me

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I have been reborn
                                    I have been given another chance
                                        I feel the pains of life
                                         Burning in my chest
                                          The glory of it all
                                 Takes me beyond all that I have known
                                       Takes me to a new place
                                          A place of rebirth
                                        And I cry tears of joy

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(All material is written by Debbie Roswell (copywright 1998)
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