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Emerald Angel's
Trip to the East Coast

Day 1
Well off we go into the wild blue yonder... Getting off the ground took a bit of effort... first we had to stop here, then we had to stop there; then Jenn had to do this, then Jenn had to do that, then, oh never mind, ~~ you get the picture.
But we made it, anyway.
Jenn is so excited to be out of Ontario for her first time.
Joey thinks Mom should have remembered all the landpoints from her one other trip to Massachussetts which was made in the dark and snow storms... so we had our first conflict some 3 hours from home. :)
(everyone is still alive)
We arrived at Tarotlady's in 8 hours.. made great time once again! (Sure was glad to have another driver with me this time, though!

Day 2
We had the pleasure of attending Pittsfield's 4th of July parade... very cool!
and then Saturday night sleeping..... RAIN RAIN RAIN..
The silly campers didn't put up the tarp and well we got to wash all our things
via rainwater in the tent !
Thank goodness for dryers (Thanks T-Lady)

Next stop will be Maine..... oh, you can't make reservations at the camp site at Acadia National Park ?? first come first served ?
No problem ! We can sleep in our Blazer ! Yeah that will work..

Day 3
But first, we stop in Freeport Maine to see the L.L. Bean store
Great place to visit.... and spend a couple hundred on camping equipment, clothes etc. :(
Camping here was interesting....

(Notice the new L.L.Bean chair)

Mom embarassed the kids by stopping at a camper with Ontario license plates to say hello.
Turns out there were from a town about 45 min. from home !!!!

Day 4
(After a second trip to the L.L. Bean store, we head to Bar Harbor and decide to camp at a private campgrounds which happen to have the CLEANEST washrooms I have ever seen ! and which is right across from Pirates Cove Adventure Golf, which is the BEST mini golf course I have ever seen.

(notice Jenn in her prom dress and shoes.. what a girl!)

Day 5
z z z z z z z

Day 6
Up at 5:30 to shower and pack and we head to the ferry to go to Nova Scotia, but alas it is broken.... seems a hole in the hull caused the loss of some electronic equipment.
Back to the campsite for the morning..... it MIGHT be fixed for the 3:00 trip
2:00 and back we go....... nope.. not running yet.... so back to the campgrounds we go and unpack for another night there.

Day 7
We try again for the ferry (the 5:30 shower / packing again) ...... finally it is in operation!
Off we go on quite an ocean voyage...... the "CAT" is quite the vessel (with casino, gift shop, restaurant and a speed which causes a displacement of water which would fill an olympic-sized swimming pool every second !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are fascinated by the view.... and Jenn and I saw some whales and dolphins.... well we saw their fins and I saw one 'spout' (which was very cool).

Off the ferry, and we are off to the OVENS to camp and see the caves at the ocean.

I guess it has been raining a lot in Nova Scotia..... all the campsites are soaking wet, with streams of water running through most of them. We do find a semi-dry one (well no river on it) and set up tent the best we can.
We can watch and listen to the ocean from our site,

and we enjoy the trails to see the caves and listen to the boom of the water as it rushes through the caves.

Day 8
Heading to dry land, we hope..... and off to Peggy's Cove we go. WOW...... not much else you can say to describe this quaint little location with a population of 60 and the finest view of rock and ocean. WOW !

This was our favourite spot of the whole trip !

Since we lost a day in Bar Harbor, we decided to 'can' the idea of going to the Cabot Trail, and we head across to PEI.
We make it to the ferry at about 3:00, and we head in to Selkirk Park for the night. What a lovely field the park is... .. no trees, beside a golf course (still no trees), but we have the priviledge of enjoying a 'concert' put on by the locals... with fiddles, singing, and jigs.

Day 9-10
To Cavendish we head..... to camp, visit all of the Anne of Green Gables tourist attractions and to shop at the Boardwalk.
The coast is a beautiful site..... a mixture of blue water, rich green grass, and reddish dirt... 'tis beautiful I say.... simply beautiful !

Day 11-12
To Fundy National Park we go. Here we get to witness the largest tides in the world..... walking far out on the ocean floor at low tide . We also enjoyed the trails and the nature presentations by John the guide.

Day 13
We cut our visit short here, and head to St. George (known for its fine water, and waterfalls. We also time it just right and make it on a Whale Watching Tour.
The boat ride was wonderful.... we did get to see 2 small Minke whales, also some dolphins, porpoises, and a seal. It was a little disappointing that we didn't seen a large whale, and after we are back on the road, we realize that the 3 hour tour was only 2 hours long !!!!!!!!! ADVENTURE TOURS was the name of the company everyone... take note !
Anyway, it is late so we stop camp just down the road and plan our trip home.

Day 14
A long drive to Quebec, and Mom surprises the kids with a night at a hotel ! OOOOOOOOOOH beds, tv, clean showers and one can sit on the toilet seat.. wow ~~what a luxury.
Day 15
Today we tour the old city of Quebec.
Turns out the hotel has a shuttle which takes you to Quebec City. (this saved a lot of headaches and was a real bonus!)
This was Jenn's first trip to Quebec City and she loved it, we all loved it. We are done our tour at 1:00 and get shuttled back to the hotel where we decide we can make it home by midnight.

11 hours later....... HOME SWEET HOME !!!!!
the end

Ready to Head Back ????? Off we go to My Camping Page
