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pinkmanemicrouni.jpg (49136 bytes)

Micro Mini Arabian
CM to Unicorn

apurpleuni.jpg (44328 bytes)

Micro Mini Arabian
CM to Unicorn

aunipair.gif (28930 bytes)

Micro Mini Warmblood
and running Foal
CM to Unicorns

microblueunicorn.jpg (49973 bytes)

Micro Mini Arabian
CM to Unicorn

microuniblackandsilver.jpg (44396 bytes)

Micro Mini Arabian
CM to Unicorn

microunigold.jpg (46544 bytes)

Micro Mini Arabian
CM to Unicorn

afightingunis.gif (33997 bytes)

Micro Rearing Arabs
CM to Unicorns

fresian2.jpg (60716 bytes)fresian1.jpg (66831 bytes)fresianhead.jpg (53358 bytes)

Breyer Marabella
CM to Fresian
Sculpting added to mane, fetlocks and face

sppersonalaffects.gif (33574 bytes)
sppersonalaffects2.gif (33300 bytes)

Breyer LB Arabian
CM to Half Pinto Arab

apurpleuni.gif (18212 bytes)

Micro Mini Arab
CM to Unicorn

SPpatch.jpg (14490 bytes)

Portrait Model
of Shetland Pony
Custom Order