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This will hopefully help you get the 9th sword orb and The MANA SWORD!
A note, I have never actually tried this trick out. IF it works, then great, but if it doesn't, just email me and tell me so I can take this help file down. Thanks.

The process consists of a glitch in the game. Well.... to do it,
land Flammie on the island next to the castle in the IceWorld. You will be
infront of Neko. Save with Neko. Now... reset the game USING the Start,
Select, L, and R buttons, and NOT the reset button! Start a new game
(make sure it's a new save slot). Get all the way up to the point where
you fall down the hole to fight the Mantis Ant. Right after the boy who's
wiggling his butt in the corner says, "You've got a sword don't you! Use
it!" Reset the game again USING the Start, Select, L, and R buttons and
NOT the reset button! Except this time hold down the buttons for about
five seconds and then let go. Now, go into the game you just saved with
Neko, and you will be in Potos fighting the Mantis Ant! Beat him and get
the Sword Orb. Then fly out of Potos and have Watts reforge your
Sword ONE MORE TIME! You will now have the Mana Sword! Without Game Genie!
This trick can be done as many times as you want, and can be done as
soon as you reach Neko in the Ice World. You can forge it up to the
Mana Sword at that point if you have the money. HOWEVER, do NOT try and
Forge it past the ninth level, and do NOT cast Mana Magic at the end of
the game once you have done this! If you do, it will just degenerate you
sword down to the first level! Enjoy, Mana fans!