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I LOVE the Starlights! As you can tell :) And This page is just for Them!!!
But, It is also for you :) I hope you like it! It's taking me a LOT of time to do this, and I have just started. I'm really new at this, so please forgive me if it looks funny. Thanks!:)
By the way, I will say he/she because they are both male, and female, but when I talk about them in "human" form I well say he. k? thanks!

More Pics coming!!!!!!

More Starlight Pics!!.

My Fav. Starlight is Seiya!
He/She is so cool! I love how he/she Stands up for what he/she belives in! A very noble thing to do.
His blood type is A and he is the lead vocalist in The Three Lights. He was born June 30, so he is a Leo. He Loves Football (american football). He likes Phy. Ed, but Hates Literature class! He has fallen in-love with Serena (Usagi/ Sailor Moon)!!!
He transforms into Sailor Starfighter!!! (this is when he turns into a she)
Fighter Star Power, Make UP!
-Seiya says: Sailor Star Fighter, Make up! to turn into Sailor Starfighter.
Star Serious Laser
-Sailor Starfighter uses this to fight. A ring of stars appears around her, and she brings them together and shoots them out in a beam of light at her enemys.

Next I like Taiki.
He/she is very, and I mean VERY smart!
His blood type is AB and he is the guitarist in The Three Lights. He was born on May 30, and is a Gemini. Unlike Seiya, He loves to read, and his favorite class IS Literature! He also likes poetry! He hates arguments, so most of the time he goes with the "winning side".
He transforms into Sailor Starmaker!
Maker Star Power, Make Up!
-Taiki says:Sailor Star Maker, Make up! to turn into Sailor Starmaker.
Star Gentle Uterus
-This is what Starmaker uses to fight her enemys. She raises a star above her head, then throws the energy at the enemy.

Then there is Yaten
He/she Is a bit of a snob, but is dynamic too.
His blood type is B and he playes the keyboard for The Three Lights. He was born on February 8, and is an Aquarius. He is also a bit more "girlish" then the others. He is in the Homecoming club and loves art. He hates Phy. Ed. He has a bit of a mouth on him, and is not afraid to tell people what he thinks.
He transfrorms into Sailor Starhealer.
Healer Star Power, Make Up!
-Yeten says:Sailor Star Healer, Make up! to turn into Sailor Starhealer.
Star Sensitive Inferno
-Sailor Starhealer calles on this to fight the bad guys. She holds a star in her hand, then Shoots out like lightning.

I'll have I'll have more pics later:) Back to My Home Page!!!!!