<html> <head> <title>Cyber Love/Header</title> </head> <body bgcolor="white" background="http://www.angelfire.com/me/stormy5683/images/blusilk.bmp" text="silver" link="#cc0033" vlink="white"> <font size="6"> <center>Judgement Day</center> <p> <p> <font size=4><center><b><i> <center>I dreamed that Armageddon was fought the other night. </center> <p> <center>With the great Jehovah using all his might.</center> <p> <center>Then when the battle ended and Satan was abyssed, </center> <p> <center>I was very thankful that I was one he missed.</center> <p> <center>Then just as God has promised the world gates swung wide,</center> <p> <center>There appeared a lovely angel to usher me inside.</center> <p> <center>And at Jehovah's banguet which all survivors share,</center> <p> <center>Were brothers that I'd judege unworthy and others as unfair.</center> <p> <center>Angry words came to my lips but never were set free.</center> <p> <center>For every face showed such surprise - no one expected me!</center> <p> <center> <EMBED src="http://www.angelfire.com/me/stormy5683/images/a01.mid" Width="200" Height="60" autostart="true" hidden="true"> </center> <center><a href="http://www.free-web-counters-online.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.fhcotn.com/count.asp?id=stormy5683" alt="Web Counter"></a><br><font size="1" face="arial"><a href="http://www.wizardofcoupons.com/dell_coupons.asp" target="_blank"></a></font></center> <p>