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Hi and welcome to my info page. I take it you are visiting this page because you would like to know a little more about who Stormy Weathers is, RIGHT? :) Well lets see....Half the time, Im not quite sure who I am so.....I hope I do an "ok" job trying to help you to get to know me a little better! Ok... Lets begin .....where do I start???????

For those of you who want to know, My real name is Tammi, Aka "Stormy" to all my internet buddies. The name *Stormy* (although I like it for several reasons) initially comes from the name of a horse I once went riding on! It just happened to stick! :o) I am 41 years old, recently divorced and although I have no children of my own.... i did inherit through my previous marriage, 2 step children, who I love as my own! :O)

To list just a few of my hobbies & interests, I love Photography! Please be sure to stop by and check out my link, Stormy's Studios to see some of my favorite shots! Now remember, I am amatuer at best, but who knows... you may just see my name one day in the yellow pages! :O)

I enjoy scuba diving , (gives me an excuse to travel to warm tropical climates, as I do not like to do cold water diving) I wish I could dive more often, but do to the climate and my limited time, I only get to go once or twice a year. My goal is to dive the *GREAT BARRIER REEF* in Austrailia and maybe even see a GREAT WHITE lurking in the shadows! :o) Ha Ha. Of course I would be in one of them METAL CAGES. What, you didnt think I was crazy did ya? *LOL*

**If you enjoy diving be sure check out the CAYMAN ISLANDs! Beautiful Island! I would have to say the best spot I have had the opportunity to dive yet!**

I enjoy doing almost any activity that is outdoors! I love hiking, horseback riding (currently own 4 horses *BIG SMILE*), mountain biking, rollerblading, or just walking w/my dog and enjoying the fresh air.

arent these little guys just adorable! hehehehe

Music tastes include *almost* everything ! I am very easy going when it comes to listening to music....although I do not think I could handle OPERA! My favorite type of music I enjoy listening to would have to be OLDIES. Especially those love songs. I also enjoy listening to alternative, R & B, rock & some of the NEWER country.

The song playing in the background is one of my favorites as of course.... I have brown eyes! :-)

Although I do not LIKE LISTENING to OPERA..I do have a taste for watching Broadway shows..... My favorite is PHANTOM of the OPERA, which I have seen TWICE!

My favorite sport to watch was Hockey until I joined a fantasy NFL Football team. My favorite hockey team is the Buffalo Sabres and my favorite football team is the Pittsburgh Steelers :)

In my spare time (which lately seems to be non-existant) I enjoy working on my web page and learning about web design. I suppose this would be because it gives me a chance to be creative. Well.... I Hope you leave here feeling you have gotten to know Stormy Weathers a little better.... and please be sure to sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of my page! Hope you have enjoyed your visit! ,

Thanks for stopping by!

Come back again sometime!

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Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison