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Welcome to Too Short HeadQuarters, the one and only Too Short FAN SITE, now back on ANGELFIRE after being one year on

TSHQ is now soon 6 years old - a rap internet pioneer
With the launch of a new album for 2002 from Too Short - staying true to TSHQ tradition - this site has once again been re-launched. I have moved the site back here as I could not get any sponsors and it was costing me too much to keep on my own domain. Who knows, maybe it might go back to dontstoprappin in the future. This has unfortunately meant that I cannot put up the lyrics pages anymore....

Too Short's latest album is called 'What's my favorite word?' - and we all know the answer to that... As more information comes out on it, from both the Short Records Label as well as from the Blue Basement, you can count on fresh information at TSHQ. I am happy to say that Todd Shaw Inc. has been dropping bomb after bomb, which has meant that sometimes it has been hard to keep up. But anyway, enough of that, sit back and explore.

Don't forget to speak your mind, sign my guest book and tell your friends about TSHQ.




Free webspace with ANGELFIRE

Welcome to TSHQ. The site is back, but is not 100% ready, but there will be new things added over the next few days. I am sure you will agree that there have been MANY improvements. LYRICS will no longer be available.



Created: 01 JAN 1997 Updated: 26 October, 2002