Wildest Times In The World (Part 1)

Christine Luland

Chapter 1

//My heart is racing much faster now
life passes before my eyes
something's I see, they make me smile
something's they make me cry
so I look, so I try to find
a lesson I can learn
the passing of time hasn't changed my mind
and the ghosts I know return//

"We Fly So Close" by Phil Collins

October 31, 2017
Santa Monica Pier - Noon

Buffy Summers stood at the end of the pier and stared off at the
horizon. She was oblivious to the activity around her, the people
walking past, the gulls in the air. Instead her mind focused on the
memories of the past.

-Angel lying on his back in the alley, shocked to be taken down so
-Pulling away from her when he vamped out after they first kissed
-Hesitantly asking her our for coffee after the whole fraternity

Buffy smiled as she thought about that incident. Had she ever properly
thanked Willow for giving him the nudge he needed? Still smiling she
continued to think of the happy times.

-Snuggling in his lap after the ritual to restore Drusilla
-Making out through her window when she was grounded
-Making love to him, terrified that she was going to lose him

"Whoa girl, let's not go there" she said to herself. But the memories
kept coming

- the cruel look in his eye the morning after Angelus had returned
- the devastation on Giles's face after Jenny died
- the disbelief on Angel's face as she sent him to hell.

Think happy thoughts, she told herself. Closing her eyes she remembered
the one moment of true happiness after all those months of torment, the
moment her Angel again looked out of those beautiful brown eyes after
being brought back from hell. The moment she saw the understanding in
his eyes. Shaking her head she laughed at the irony of it all. Her
moment of true happiness brought its own curse. Delighted to have Angel
back, she quickly realized that try as he might Giles was unable to
separate Angelus the demon from Angel the man she loved. Struggling
with his own guilt, Angel was unwilling to stay and cause the Watcher
more pain. A little more than two weeks after she got him back she lost
him again. With a whispered "I love you" he left on a rainy October

Now, almost twenty years later she needed to find him again. Somehow
Willow had determined that Angel was in the LA area. She hoped the
residual Slayer abilities she still had would enable her to find him

Finally turning her attention to her surroundings Buffy realized it was
getting late. With one last look at the limitless horizon she turned
away. She just had time for a quick nap and a chance to freshen up
before she began the search for her lost love.

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