This web page was created on a whim by Bek and Liz. We decided that other webpages were to specific so we decided to create our own. Both of our pages are different... Bek's page is to do with Jokes, television shows music and fun links. Liz's contains book reviews and there are plans in the future for a British Comedy section. So you can see that the contents of the pages are varied and that is what we welcome - so come and join our little ring.
Take a walk on the Webside.... To enter this ring you must love life, humour, T.V shows and books then this is the place for you!!! No explicit or obscene sites accepted
Here is a list of requirements your homepage must conform to before you can consider joining...
1. Your page must not be under construction. We realise that homepages are under constant construction, but we would prefer sites that are at least 98% completed.
2. Absolutely no site that contains pornography or obscenities or links to either will be absolutely not admitted.
3. Homepages must download quickly and not be confusing.
4. If your site is denied access to the webring no discussion will be entered into regarding admission or non-admission. Sorry but that is the way it is.