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                                      DARK FORCES 2: JEDI KNIGHT

 Codes for Jedi Knight for those who want to take the easy path to jedi knighthood. You have to enter these codes through the text- type "t" than type in the codes. Some codes need to have "on" or "off" at the end of the them. Note: the different shades of yellow are only to help in following the table.

Code  What it does
Whiteflag Monsters become inactive
Eriamjh Allows you to fly
Jediwannabe on Become invulnerable
Thereisnotry Jump to next level
Slowmo Slow motion
Red5 All weapons
Sithlord  Player has all Dark Jedi powers
Imayoda Player has all Light Jedi powers 
Wamprat All items
Deeznuts Experience level up
Racoonking Player has all Dark and Light Jedi powers
58581vr entire map revealed
Bactame Full life
Yodajammies Player has full force powers
Pinotnoir x  Jump to another level
Displayconfig Gives an advanced menu in setup/display
Coords Gives your current 6 coordinates and sector
Warp warp to a place using the coordinates (X,Y,Z)
Hyper brings you to all player starts (Multiplayer)
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