Spiritual Healing Enchances the Healthy
Growth of Your Physical Body.I am Lloyd Browning,aka The White Apache.I am a
non-denominational ordained
minister and half Apache.I have been living
in the world of
spirit all of my life.I am the Co-Founder and
of the Church of the Third Millennium and the
New Mexico
Institute of Metaphysical Alternatives.Over
the years I
have been using Crystals,Herbs and Oils for
spiritual and
physical healings.I am an Energy worker and a
Psychic.My visions are leading to unite me with all
peoples,and all races to further create and
strengthen the
light of ALL THAT IS.I use carrier oils made by Cayce,all of my formulas are based on Cayce teachings.For those who may not know I am speaking of Edgar Cayce ( the sleeping prophet).
My mate,and co-founder of the Church of the Third Millennium,Plus our #800 counseling line has been and always will be of the greatest help in keeping me looking for and finding other ways of helping others in keeping a healthy mind and body.I teach about oils and herbs and when possible I do conduct work shops on oils and how to apply them properly.My internet site is now in the Spirit Quest Magazine,the URL is at the bottom of this page.
I have 2 wolves and 12 feral cats who
have adopted me.I owe my guides and the
spirits of the
wolves and all that is around me a thanks for helping me put this page together.
Prayer is the Bread of Life.
Faith is the Light of Life.
Hope is the Love of Life.
Love is the Breath of Life.
Wisdom and Understanding are the Goals of Life.
Treating all things man and beast as we wish to be treated is making it to the top of our Goals.
Love of God and All mankind is Life.
The url for Spirit Quest is:http://members.tripd.com/~cayce2/spiritquest.html
Lloyd Browning aka White Apache
Email: whiteapache@webtv.net