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Q & A Session

If you don't know me by now...

most of the questions below are "real questions" - asked by someone,somewhere....

I will keep adding questions (and the answers of course)and should you feel like asking me something just e-mail me and I will have it added here.

OK,let's begin.......

Part One

    Q: What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
    A: Log on to the internet,have a glass of water,take a shower,say my morning pr....

    Q: I said,What's the FIRST thing.....?
    A: OK,log on to the internet,just checking my e-mail boxes.....huh!!

    Q: What characteristics do you think you've inherited from your parents?
    A: From my mother,ambitious;from my father,a sense of humor;and from both,any other good qualities I might have.

    Q: What is your most treasured material possesion?
    A: My "sejadah".I've had it over 10 years now.A gift from my Kak The.

    Q: Pick 5 words that describe yourself.
    A: Ambitious,unpredictable,determined,naive,right,wrong.That's 6.One free.

    Q: Pick 4 words that do not describe yourself.
    A: Predictable,wrong,right.That's 3. I owe you one.

    Q: What is your most unpleasent characteristic?
    A: I can be very self-critical..... I can cut myself off before I get started,telling myself that what I've done isn't good enough.If it's something unpleasant to other people,it's when I get going and fasten on to an idea,I can be very dismissive of what other people are saying.

    Q: What ambitions do you still have to fulfil?
    A: Go here and figure it out yourself,it's my childhood dreams

    Q: When you look in the mirror,do you like what you see?
    A: That you have to ask the man in the mirror .....

    Q: Are you afraid of failure?
    A: Of course I am....everybody's afraid of failure to an extent...I'm more worried about failure in life

    Q: When did you last cry and why?
    A: Tough guys don't cry.......hehehehe...well,that would have to be when I was performing my last Umrah.

    A: Are you an internet addict?Answer truthfully.
    A: Nope,not at all......I'm just a user,well.....on the heavy side of course.

    Q: Can you sleep if you cannot log on for a particular day?
    A: Yea,but I do wake up in the middle of the night...the nearest internet kiosk is just 2 km away.

    Q: Is your Journal for real?
    A:Yes, every word. The answers to this FAQ are genuine as well. I have worked hard to be 100% truthful and accurate, and as such, what one person chooses to believe or not believe says more about that person than it does about me.Mind you,I'm not here to convince anyone.Period.

    Q: Where do you hang out?
    A: I don't hang out at bars, but I do enjoy cafes, restaurants, and movies.

    Q:What would make your life complete?
    A:Finding that I had a purpose.I'd also have to say that finding someone to really share my life with would be a big step closer to making my life complete too.

    Q:Are you happy?
    A: Almost always yes! But I can actually be sad and happy at the same time. It's just that I prefer to show the happiness outwardly and keep the sadness inside.

    Q:What makes you feel sad?
    A:Many things do but it's usually more along the lines of sorrow than gloom. Being happy can make me sad.....and THAT is sad...

    Q:What brings enjoyment to your life?
    A:Knowing I've done something worthwhile or that I'm experiencing something worthwhile. Idleness without purpose does not agree with me, but relaxation does.

    Q:What makes you laugh?
    A:I have to admit that I don't laugh at the same things most other people do.But I don't laugh at other people's misfortunes either (at least not inwardly). Sometimes people think I laugh at inappropriate times, but I laugh at the unexpected. I laugh at life. I even laugh at myself.

    Q:What makes you cry?
    A: A happy movie, a sad movie, a funeral, a sick person, a sad friend, when I've failed....and stuff...

    Q: What characteristic(s) do you most admire in others?
    A: In general, kindness and strength of character.

    Q:What do you like about yourself the least?
    A:I could be more social. And I underestimate myself far more than I should.

    Q: Do you have a "photographic" memory?
    A: Many have described it as such, but I have yet to figure out how to hook up a laser printer to my mind.

    Q:What languages do you speak?
    A:Malay,English and a bit of German and French.

    Q:What are your personal goals in life?
    A:I want to grow out of my so-called Peter Pan syndrome and grow up eventually. I want to be able to know when to walk away from something. I want to be wealthy enough to go to places I haven't been to. I want to always be honest. I don't want to ever screw someone over for money.And I want to be married only once.

    Q:Don't you get bored? Don't you hate not having a life?
    A:Of course I get bored and I do hate not having a life but hopefully this is only temporarily. I spend my free time mostly learning some fancy DHTML tricks. It's fun and it keeps me busy.Not having a life is not as bad as it sounds. Really. But I won't recommend it to you, though. It's only good for natural slackers like myself.

    Q:Don't you have any real life friends?

    A:Believe it or not, I do have a few real life friends.But most of them are married and they are either too busy with thier own families or too busy making money.They obviously do not know how to make money the easy way.

    Q:Why are you alone?
    A:You make it sound like a curse. To be alone is one thing; to be lonely is another. I haven't always been alone and I don't exactly fit the standard mold.

    Q:Do you ever look back on your life and have a good laugh?
    A:Usually the laugh comes after a sigh though.

    Q:What's the most romantic thing that ever happened to you?
    A:I'm still waiting for it to happen.

    Q:Are you in a relationship?

    Q:Do you consider yourself a romantic person?
    A:Another nope.

    Q:Do you ever feel lonely? Why? When?Do you feel loved?
    A:One question at a time,ok?Yes, I do at times, particularly when I'm feeling happy and find myself with no one around to share it with. Yes, I feel loved most of the time even when no one else is around. I believe the world loves me, and I'm not talking about people.

    Q:You have anything to say about friendship?
    A:Yea.It's always your best friend that will hurt you the most.

    Q:Why would anyone not like you?
    A:I've always found if people don't like me it's for one of the following reasons:
    (1) They misinterpret some of my shyness for arrogance or snobbery (?)
    (2) I don't like them;
    (3) I'm too open and honest.

    Q:What makes you excited to get up in the morning?
    A: The possibility that something wonderful might happen that day.

    Q: What makes you not want to get up on some mornings?
    A: I always want to get up in the morning.

    Q:Do you believe wonders are waiting to start for you? Are you an optimist?
    A: Wonders aren't waiting for me, but I think they're there if I open my eyes. And yes I think of myself as an optimist.
