1) Y S N |
Sometimes I think that my friends or colleagues are not really as loyal as I would like them to be. |
2) Y S N |
If somebody doesn't treat me right, I'm not likely to forget it. |
3) Y S N |
I won't put up with being criticized. When people criticize me or what I have to say, I usually give it right back to them.
4) Y S N |
I tend to be a loner, which is fine with me. I don't really enjoy being around other people that much, even other family members. |
5) Y S N |
When I have a choice, I prefer to do things by myself. |
6) Y S N |
Emotionally, I am a very calm person. I seldom have strong feelings of any kind--neither angry, miserable, nor ecstatic ones. |
7) Y S N |
You can call me "poker-faced." I'm something of a mystery to people because I usually don't show much emotion or react strongly to them. |
8) Y S N |
I don't take much to notice of how others react to me, whether they are critical or even very complimentary.
9) Y S N |
People tell me that I express myself in an odd way--that I say things that are too deep for them, or that I don't explain what I mean. |
10) Y S N |
I'm usually quite comfortable around strangers, and I love to be at social gatherings where I can meet a lot of new faces. |
11) Y S N |
I am very self-conscious. Often I can feel people looking at me and sizing me up, not always in a flattering way. |
12) Y S N |
I can act pretty silly sometimes, which sometimes embarrasses my friends, who have said that I don't know how to behave appropriately. |
13) Y S N |
I guess I am on a different wavelength from most other people. Sometimes I can feel things that are very real to me, even though I can't prove them. |
14) Y S N |
I don't believe in feeling guilty about what I've done. There's nothing to be gained from it. "Don't look back"--that's my motto. |
15) Y S N |
I don't necessarily tell the truth. |
16) Y S N |
People sometimes tell me I act like I have a chip on my shoulder. It's true that I'll fight are argue with anyone who gets on my bad side. |
17) Y S N |
I like to do things spontaneously, without planning ahead--like picking up and traveling for however long I feel like it. I know things will work out. |
18) Y S N |
I am intrigued by an underground kind of life where you can break the rules and get away with it. |
19) Y S N |
I have a fairly good sense of myself. I know what kind of work I want to do, what kind of
friends I like to be with, and what sorts of things are important to me. |
20) Y S N |
I do not generally fell bored or empty inside. |
21) Y S N |
Sometimes I worry so much that people will leave me that I get kind of frantic and call
them up to get them to reassure me, which must get pretty annoying. |
22) Y S N |
I have a very even temper, and most of the time I have little trouble controlling my
anger. |
23) Y S N |
I like to act on impulse when the spirit moves me. For instance, I may indulge in food,
drive too fast, or enjoy a big shopping spree. |
24) Y S N |
I can be very dramatic when I'm upset. I have been know to threaten to harm myself,
although of course I don't really mean it.
25) Y S N |
Being approved of or receiving praise means a lot to me. I like a lot of reassurance. |
26) Y S N |
People describe me as entertaining. I can tell about things that happen in a very enjoyable
and colorful way, without having to get the facts straight all the time. |
27) Y S N |
I show my feelings easily. |
28) Y S N |
I can be impatient; usually I want what I want when I want it.
29) Y S N |
I like to daydream. I imagine myself being rich, powerful, or famous.
30) Y S N |
I like to be noticed, and have a habit of fishing for compliments when I'm being
ignored. |
31) Y S N |
It's not very easy for me to put myself in someone else's shoes. I understand myself better
than I understand other people. |
32) Y S N |
When it comes to standing in line or being seated in a crowded restaurant, I usually get to
the front and get waited on right away, or at least I try to. |
33) Y S N |
I am often envious of others. |
34) Y S N |
I believe that in some situations you may have to step on someone else's toes to get where
you're going. |
35) Y S N |
I find criticism hard to take, even when I know it's constructive. Although I don't
necessarily show it, inside, I feel humiliated, ashamed, or enraged by it.
36) Y S N |
I usually wait to get involved with people until I'm sure they like me. |
37) Y S N |
I like people, but I find I'm much more comfortable if I steer clear of social activities and
work situations that involve large groups of people. |
38) Y S N |
I am confident in social situations. I talk comfortably and am not awfully self-conscious or
worried that I'll say something stupid or appear uninformed. |
39) Y S N |
I wish my feelings weren't so obvious to other people. It seems like anytime I feel sad,
nervous, or embarrassed, it shows on my face and everybody can tell. |
40) Y S N |
I prefer to stick to my usual daily routines than to put myself in unfamiliar surroundings
and situations.
41) Y S N |
I rarely seek advice from others before I make decisions, especially the everyday kind. |
42) Y S N |
I like to express agreement with other people. When I disagree, I usually keep it to
myself. |
43) Y S N |
I don't like spending time alone, and I avoid it as much as possible. |
44) Y S N |
I am not overly sensitive to rejection and loss. When an important relationship ends, I can
take it fairly well--I'm not usually devastated by it. |
45) Y S N |
I worry a lot that people I care about will leave me, even though there is usually no reason to.
46) Y S N |
I am a very organized person. I like to follow a schedule and make lists of things I have to do. Sometimes I have more lists than I know what to do with! |
47) Y S N |
I deliberate a long time before making decisions. While other people make decisions much more quickly, I believe in being very careful. |
48) Y S N |
I tend to be a "pack rat." My closets, drawers, and attic are filled with things I just can't or don't want to throw out. |
49) Y S N |
Some people say that I insist on doing too much myself, but I'd rather do the work myself than somebody else do it wrong or incompletely. |
50) Y S N |
I tend not to show my feelings, although I experience them inside. I come across composed and reserved most of the time. |
51) Y S N |
I am a terrible procrastinator. I'm always putting things off until the last minute. |
52) Y S N |
When people give me suggestions on how to be more productive, I often resent it because they are putting their noses in where they don't belong. |
53) Y S N |
It seems that a lot of people in my life make unreasonable demands on me--even though I'm careful not to do that on them. |
54) Y S N |
I can be rather critical of people in authority. Maybe I don't appreciate what it's like to be in their shoes, but it seems that I could do a better job much of the time. |
55) Y S N |
I sometimes find myself laughing at other people's misfortunes, even though I'm not very proud of that reaction. |
56) Y S N |
My family members sometimes complain that I don't allow them enough independence or freedom. I guess I do run a pretty tight ship. |
57) Y S N |
Whenever I succeed at something, I find that either I don't really enjoy it much or something goes wrong somewhere else in my life. |
58) Y S N |
I have a lot abilities I can't seem to take advantage of. When I'm good at something, I can help other people with it, but I can't seem to use my ability for myself. |
59) Y S N |
Even though I don't hesitate to tell others about my problems, I'm very uncomfortable letting them help me with them. |
60) Y S N |
I have no trouble letting myself have a good time. When opportunities to enjoy myself come along, I usually try to take advantage of them. |
61) Y S N |
When someone really cares about me or treats me with a lot of kindness, I often feel uninterested. Somehow, relationships that are not challenging are boring. |
62) Y S N |
I can often be difficult to be with, and, when I think about it, my own expectations of others can be unreasonable, But I still get upset when they get mad at me. |
63) Y S N |
I do a lot for other people, often at great sacrifice to myself, and I don't wait to be asked.
64) Y S N |
I am a fairly private person and I generally keep things to myself, since you never know who will use personal information to their own advantage. |