To the Darknes
The Realm of Darkness
....the Realm of Night....
What is the Realm of Darkness you might ask?
Once, it was a chaotic world of darkness, filled with the writhing beasts of night. A world without sun, without light....the very air polluted by sulfur. Each creature inately evil. Down to the very stone and the very heart of the Realm.
That is, until the Lord of Darkness gained hold of the Realm in his iron grasp, warping and twisting the masses into an orderly army of evil.
Developing a darkness, an all consuming evil, with but one strength.
Every being breathes evil, lives evil and flaunts it. Down to every rock, tree and creature....down to the very last drop of blood...a living, breathing entity of evil.
~Web Graphics by Kat's Meow~
~Web Design By Jadis~
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