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In the heart of a man flows the blood of a beast.
It calls itself...

It stands hidden within his soul of darkness as obsessive hatred tears through his body like a knife turning, twisting, ripping flesh. The skin tightens around his eyes, sweat beading. His teeth clench and grind, like steel claws on slate. Intense emotions well up inside him, like raging fire. Beyond death in a realm the mind cannot describe. The air thick, heavy, the lingering scent of death. Macabre tendencies arise and breathe from his mind plagued by tortured souls and consumed by the cold hand of the dark demonic rule, amid it's reign of terror, amongst the screams of pleading mercy. His teeth, razor sharp, snow white but stained with blood. No remorse for it's actions, no regret; this demon prowling

SoulRender.... what is he or it you might ask; A Darkened manifestation of a truely evil half of a mans soul. The beast sets in wait, filled with nothing but the most contemptable an vile emotions, it remains deep within, hidden in a force equal to its own.. the Man Known as ADiLoN. Too much Stress an strain bring the beast to light from within the depths of ADiLoN as the beast uses his emotional turmoil against him and breaks the chains of restraint that ADiLoN holds upon it. When unleashed be wary, SoulRender has one purpose; Destroy any form of life seen fit as prey... and unto the massive beast, that renders all life its victim.



Heigth: 11'2"'
Weight: 750 Lbs

The form of SoulRender: As ADiLoN has changed so has SoulRender. How might you ask? His physical appearance is a definate mark. His long black body remains shaded, as if made of twisting shadows, and is of solid build, rippling with muscles. Long glossy black, dagger like talons adorn the ends of his massive arms. He, also, now has a set of dark leathery wings which arch up behind his body, giving a menacing apperance. The beasts mouth is alined with a twin row of razor sharp hypodermic needle like incisors that rip thru flesh as a hot knife thru butter.

Even though he is somewhat large, he moves with striking speed and agility and is often not seen in shadows, save for the outline his body creates as light does not pass.


Advanced Strength: Physical strength is immense due to the magical enchantments placed up ADiLoN and Dark Lord before their merging.

Accelerated Healing

Life Absorption: A vampiric power of sorts, however, it is not the blood that is drained for substance; Is what some say to be the soul and others call lifes very essence itself. Regardless, a power to be feared. Although the only way the beast may drain this is thru his bite, in which he does not drain blood, but, your very soul.

Dark Flames: What are Dark Flames you might ask. They are just that, flames opposite to those of normal fire. These flames alter upon feeling. They may burn fearsomly hot or excessively cold and take dominace over all normal flames as well as be altered to take various shapes and forms. They are composed of magical essence, although, no one is sure of their complete capabilites.

Shadow Step: With this abilitiy the weilder may instantly sink into any given shadow and rise out of another...anywhere, anytime.

Shadow Concealment: The constantly warping and twisting of shadows about oneself which allows no form to be seen or presence felt, unless your ability to see thru such can be defined.

Shadow Sight: His eyes take upon a dark hue in which different shades of vision begins swirling, allowing the ability to see into the depths of any shadow and peering thru any masking.

Shadow Barage: This is comparable that of the VtM ability Celerity. When defined, it allows more attacks, however, there is a cost to such speed. The more attacks thrown the damage given decreases.

Force: Like that of Fortitude discipline.

InterRealms: Temporarily sustains etheral form where physical attacks are useless, but his very presence can cause physical damage.

Note: SoulRender and ADiLoN being are one in the same save for seperate personalities. He has every power ADiLoN has but tripled. Physical attacks, unless massive in nature, do little more than piss him off. Magic is more effective against Soulrender. Like ADiLoN, SoulRender absorbs life energy by touch and can wrench ones soul {so to speak} from their body and devour it. Thus it is one of his most relied upon powers. Yet he has one power ADiLoN does not have, InterRealms. He can, for several minutes, sustain a form where physical blows do no more than pass thru him, yet, his essence can harm all those around him; save only for a short time. So, it is best to avoid him. And if you do not,I pitty you. As for the rest, he is just as much a mystery as ADiLoN if not more so. Beware when he shows, it is never a good thing, for someone will Die at the hands of the SOULRENDER.


Tolerance to Pain: As his anger increases the beasts tolerance for pain rises thus he may refuse to acknowledge being hurt but will receive damage. This being one of his gravest weaknesses for he expends more energy and will be wounded several times before he notices the damage causing extra blood and energy loss before healing

Volitile Temper: Easily set off and provoked.

Excessive Pride

Sensitivity to Magic:
This may be the best means of attacking the beast, but be warned magic flames do little to no damage to him at all and only serve to feed the power of his own flames. Once magic has been used looked to be marked; For the beast will surely sever your head first to remove any threat.

Mind Set

Not much is known of the mind set of SoulRender, other than he usually is a dark creature who seems to revel in challanges from others. His Goal is to defeat all others and prove his dominace over all forms of life. His actions are only known thru eye witness accounts. He is known as being a vicious and savage vile creature, while allowing his opponents to think him nothing more than a beast of animal instinct only, though he possess's a sharp inteligance. His his motives unknown, his actions vicious to the last when he appears...let it be known another shall fall in his wake.

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