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It seems like EVERYONE have a page with their Awards listed

I didn't think it would be necessary for me to make one....

But as you can see, I have gotten some :-)

Maybe I will get more .... *hint hint*

I send many thanks to all the gifted people who gave me these

If you click on the images you can visit them

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My FIRST Award !!!!

Thank You Vickie

(16/8-99 Page I LOVE YOU)



This Award I got since I was nr.2 to sign his Guest Book...
Visit his Hideaway, lot's of fine things

(20/8-99  All my pages)




Thanks Kimmy

(24/8-99 Page I LOVE YOU)






(15/9-99 Page I LOVE YOU)



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Thank You Veronica for using some of my pages on your URL page :-)

(26/9-99  All my pages)



Thanks Sheri

(27/9-99 Page I LOVE YOU)



Thanks Laura

(28/9-99 Page I LOVE YOU)


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