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If Microsoft was a CAR ...!

Bill Gates held a speech in a meeting with lots of employees from General Motors (GM).

Gates tried to compare GM and Microsoft...

" If GM had the same technological evolution as the Computer industry,

the cars today would cost 25 Dollars and   drive 1000 miles on one gallon of gas"

One of the GM bosses had this comment :

" If GM had evolved their technology as Microsoft ; THIS would be cars today : "


lacebt.gif (1049 bytes) Your car would have an unexplainable accident twice a day
lacebt.gif (1049 bytes) You would have to buy a new car every time the marking stripes on the roads were painted new
lacebt.gif (1049 bytes) The car would sometimes drive out of the road. For no good reason. You would just have to accept this. Start the car and drive out on the road again.
lacebt.gif (1049 bytes) Sometimes, ...for example in left-turns, the car would go straight forward and refuse to obey. To fix this ; change the motor is the only solution.
lacebt.gif (1049 bytes) The cars would not have more than one seat. And you would have to choose between "Car95" and "CarNT". Extra seats must be ordered separately.
lacebt.gif (1049 bytes) The Competition would make cars using   Solar-energy, that drives 5 times faster and is twice as light . BUT they would not be aloud to use more than 5 % og the road.
lacebt.gif (1049 bytes) The Airbag would ask : " ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE ??" before opening.
lacebt.gif (1049 bytes) Sometimes the car would lock completely. To fix this ; the trick is:  to pull the handbrake, turn the ignition key AND hold one hand on the antenna AT THE SAME TIME !
lacebt.gif (1049 bytes) Every time GM released a new model;  All the drivers had to learn how to drive AGAIN, because no controls is the same as in the previous model.
lacebt.gif (1049 bytes) At last but not least :  To STOP the engine...... one would have to press START !



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