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My Dinky Dogs Home Page

And other pamperd pets Of family Members

This page is dedicated To My Little Yorkie
He is sick Now and not doing good
and I wanted a way to think and
remember him always.....*S*

This is "Dinky" he is 10 years old

"Buddy" he is 10 months old (Dinky's Brother)

"Pebbles" she is 6 years old (Dinky's Sister)

"RubyD" she is 6 months old
Here is Ruby's Mom's HomepageBambi's Place

"Makayla" 8 weeks old
Her Mom's Site is Debi's Angel Heaven

Some Links to Yorkie Pages
[Yorkshire Terriers]
[Jellie's Jungle] [More Yorkies]
[Yorkie Club]

Yorkshire Terrier Web Ring

This Yorkshire Terrier Web Ring
site is owned by
Dinky's Home page.

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