Adopt Your Own Hitman!

That's right!! Here is the place where you can adopt your very OWN Hitman!!!
After a lot of surfing around I have noticed that you can "adopt" wrestlers, but never really Bret Hart...sooooo on that thought, I thought to myself....why don't I offer a place where people can adopt their own Hitman!! So people here it is! :)
It's quite simple, so just follow these instructions:

1) First of all you need a place to house your Hitman, (web page) but don't stress if you don't have one, because you can adopt too:)

2) Pick out the Hitman that you would like to adopt from the following, left click it and save it to YOUR computer and upload it to your server.
You may choose from the following lil' Hitmen:








3) After you have selected the Hitman of your choice, copy the following HTML code and place it appropriately on your page. Replace (YOUR NAME) with your name, and put the name of the Hitman picture that you have chosen, in the img src. Don't forget to take out the *'s and you will be set. Here is the HTML code:

<*center><*table BORDER=0 >
<*tr> <*td> <*table BORDER BGCOLOR="#000000" > <*tr> <*td>
<*center> <*img SRC="YOUR HITMAN.jpg">
<*br><*i><*font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#FF00FF"><font size=+1>Bret
"Hitman" Hart&nbsp;<*/font><*/i>
<*p><*font face="Comic Sans MS"><*font color="#FF00FF"><*font size=+0>Was proudly
adopted by:<*/font>
<*br><*font face="Comic Sans MS"><*font color="#FF00FF"><*font size=+0>(YOUR
<*p><*font face="Comic Sans MS"><*font color="#FF00FF"><*font size=+0>Adopt
your own Hitman at:&nbsp;<*/font>
<*br><*font face="Comic Sans MS"><*font color="#FF00FF"><*font size=+0><*a href="">Tara's
Bret "Hitman" Hart Page!<*/a><*/font><*/center>
<*/td><*/tr> <*/table><*/td><*/tr>

4) If the HTML has been done correctly, your little Hitman should look something like this:

Bret "Hitman" Hart 

Was proudly adopted by:

Adopt your own Hitman at: 
Tara's Bret "Hitman" Hart Page!

5) This isn't really a step, just a message to say thank you for making an adoption, and look after your Hitman! :)

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