Although this is a very sad time for us
She has left this troubled
World of ours
Flown away to find the Heavenly Powers
Gone away to seek her peace of mind
I know she will be suprised at what she finds
Now living in harmony with our
Loved ones and family
Looking down.. watching over you and me
Wondering why we are all so sad
And smiling.. saying "Hey this aint so bad"
All you have to do is believe
in the Power of Love
And know that she is now living with the Man above
He will take care of her now and forevermore
Because for her.. he has opened Heavens door
I know that we are all going
to miss her dearly
And often think we hear her voice so clearly
But dont feel sad.. because we will all see her again
So we will just have to be patient until then
Her mind, body and Soul are
all now at Peace
All the Earthly troubles and fears have now ceased
For now she is in the City of Angels
And when we meet again.. Oh, such stories she will have to tell
I could never forget her.. and
I wont try
And I will keep Loving her until the day that I die
But most of all she will always rest in my Heart
For inside there.. we can never be apart
"Goodnight my little
precious one..
Sleep well.. Mummy is with you & I will be soon"
(Henrietta - aged 15.. 6/13/83 - 5/18/99)
This page was created as a memorial to Henrietta
who after a long and brave fight,
has finally decided to leave our World
and Join our Loved ones in Heaven,
where she will wait for us to join her
when our time comes.
You will always be with me in my Dreams that I hold close to my Heart.. God Bless You always!!
May the Road rise to meet you
May the wind always be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rain fall soft upon your fields
And, until we meet again..
May God hold you in the palm of his hand
...'Irish Blessing'