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Things That Scare Me!

The Blair Witch Project
Clowns Are Evil Incarnate
Shared Insanities
The Website of Michael Myers
Humans Can Lick Too
Alfred Hitchcock's 100th Birthday
Horror Links

Books That Make Our Nightmares

  • 21 Salem's Lot by Stephen King
  • 11 Dracula by Bram Stoker
  • 4 The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
  • 4 The Exorcist
  • 3 The Alienist
  • 2 Harvest Home by Tom Tryon
  • 1 Song of Kali by Dan Simmons
  • 1 Red Dragon by Thomas Harris
  • 1 Silence of the lambs
  • 1 IT by Stephen King

    Films We Fear

  • 21 Halloween
  • 21 Exorcist
  • 16 IT
  • 3 Blair Witch Project
  • 2 The Haunting
  • 2 The Birds

    Characters That Make Us Run!

  • 15 Pinhead
  • 9 The Master (Salem's Lot Movie)
  • 7 Candyman
  • 5 Mr. Barlow (Salem's Lot)
  • 4 Michael Meyers
  • 3 Gage(PetSemetary)
  • 3 Jaime Gumm (Silence of the Lambs)
  • 2 Frances Dolarhyde (from Red Dragon)
  • 2 Jack the Ripper
  • 2 Jason

    Scariest Movie Music

  • 17 Friday the 13th
  • 16 Deep Red Hatchet Murders
  • 10 Halloween
  • 8 The Exorcist
  • 6 The Shining (movie version)
  • 2 Psycho

    Scariest Movie Line

  • 19 "I never drink... wine" Dracula
  • 13 "No one will hear you if you scream the night, in the dark." The Haunting
  • 8 "Eno on ma I" The Exorcist
  • 6 "We all float down here." Pennywise "IT"
  • 5 "We all go a little mad sometimes." Psycho
  • 5 "Now I want to play with you." Gage "Pet Semetary"
  • 3 "We're gonna get you." The Evil Dead
  • 2 "Let me give you a piece of my mind." The Howling

    Favorite Classic Horror Star & Film Role

  • 8 Vincent Price "House of Wax"
  • 6 Lon Chaney, Jr. "Son of Dracula"
  • 6 Bela Lugosi "Dracula"
  • 5 Vincent Price "The Raven"
  • 5 Boris Karloff "The Black Cat"
  • 4 Boris Karloff "Frankenstein"
  • 3 Lon Chaney, Jr. "The Wolfman"
  • 2 Peter Lorre "M"
  • 2 James Arness "The Thing"
  • 2 Lon Chaney "Phantom of the Opera"
  • 2 Elsa Lanchester "Bride of Frankenstein"
  • 2 Peter Lorre "The Beast with Five Fingers"

    Monsters That Drive Us MAD
  • 5 Vampire in "Salem's Lot"
  • 5 "The Fly"
  • 4 Aliens from the "Alien" movies
  • 4 Zombies from "Night of the Living Dead"
  • 2 "Ghidra The Three Headed Monster"
  • 2 Pennywise from "It"
  • 2 "Godzilla"
  • 2 "Jaws"
  • 2 Teachers in "The Faculty"
  • 2 Ants in "Them"
  • 2 Triffids in "Day of the Triffids"

    Urban Legends We Dread

    "(Courtesy Urban Legends)"
  • 10 Under the Bed
  • 3 The Babysitter
  • 3 Running Out of Gas
  • 2 Bloody Mary
  • 2 The Hook
  • 2 Cat Meat in Chinese Restaurant Food eww
  • 2 Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?

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    This music is from "Deep Red Hatchet Murders"
    Thank you Flick!