Camp Pics!!
This page is to pay tribute it the BEST camp in the world! FL DISTRICT CAMPGROUND in OCALA FL!!

This is the Sanctuary at the Fl Campgrounds in Ocala Fl. This is the building that I got the Holy Ghost in.
“Wake Up Call”
For the sake of the name
Here are some pictures of friends of mine at camp. We always have a great time, and have LOTS of FUN!! :o)
The ‘Chosen’ Lunchon
We had nine of the ‘Chosen People’ attend camp as campers and two were the ‘Chosen Leaders’. We had a special reunion lunch were we all ate together. Bro. Elms is the only one that isnt in this picture; Me, Jana, Kris, David, Bro. Hattabaugh, Rachel, Peter, Amber, John, & Cheryl
Sherry (from ‘Chiefland’ LOL) and Tiffany
I met both Sherry and Tiffany at Camp 98’
Jen-nay & John
All dressed up for the Banquet! Awwww arnt they cute?? LOL
Ive known Sara since last year. She's a goofball!

OH NO!! A HUGE spider in the dorm!!
Amanda tries to knock it off with a shoe!!
The spider has been defeated!
Amanda accomplishes her task and these two take proper action to see that the spider is REALLY dead!
Jonathon & Tiffany
Jonathon has a talent of playing the harmonica with his nose. You should see how he cleans it! (its REALLY gross!!)
Hotstix are a Pentecostal girls best friend!
Amber & Rachel model their hotstix while getting ready for church. Both are part of the ‘Chosen People’ (Good thing they dont have internet, they would KILL me for this picture!)
Tiffany, Ben, & Mel
Tiff, Ben and I just hanging out in the church between classes.
Kris, Jana, Mysti, & Amber
Kris, Jana, & Amber are part of the ‘Chosen People’ (The girl on far left, I have no idea who she is!! OOPS!)
Tiff & Mel
Tiffany & I in the Gym, we both have on Ben’s hats!
Jenny is in the Gym during ‘Midnight Madness’ Her goal is to spit out chewed up bananna in a cup through a pair of pantyhose that is over her head….Doesn’t look like it worked!
Tiffany & Bro. Hattabaugh
Bro. Hattabaugh decides to wear Shane’s cowboy hat and use Tiff as an armrest!
The ‘Gang’
This is Part of the gang I hung out with this year: Audra, Paula, Jessica, Jennifer T., Me, Brandy, Cheryl, Amanda, Tiffany, Sherry & Jennifer C. (The girl between Jessica and Jennifer T. Im really not sure who she is, she was just in the pic!) Cheryl is part of the ‘Chosen People’
I have known Jeff for a LONG time, great guy!
Mel, Tiff, Jonathon, Ben, Jennifer, & Sara
Just hanging out in the church to get out of the Fl heat!
I thought the sign said only MATURE adults are allowed in the golf cart??
Peter & Bro. Hattabaugh just Chillin’ in the shade! Both are part of the ‘Chosen People’
Mel, Amanda & Audra
Catching up on all the latest gossip!
I met Jessica last year, but this year we really got to be better friends.

Mel, Tiff, Shane, John & Ben
This was most of the gang from last year, some didn’t get to come to camp this year. John is part of the ‘Chosen People’
Those are some UGLY girls!!
Justin, Dustin, Peter, & Jared explore their girly side!! LOL
Jessica & Tiff
Why is it that Apostolics always have to eat after church?

What? More girls?
Shane & Jonathan model hair clips and try to pass as girls! (Didnt work guys!)
Gab Fest 99’
This was my Gab Fest group, we divide into groups every year to discuss current topics and events and how they effect us as Apostolic Youth
Bro. Ryan Crossley
This was our Gab Fest leader Bro. Ryan. He is the also the asst. Pastor at Bro. Hattabaugh’s church

John & Shane
The two cowboys of camp….John left his hat in the dorm

Bro. Hood
Bro. Hood was our night speaker this year, here he was using Peter as an example
Ready for church!
Me, Jennifer, Sherry, Tiffany, & Johathon

Rachel & Cheryl
These two 'Chosen People' look over some photos taken by Bro. Hattabaugh in El Salvador.
John just hanging out in the gym, I love his shirt!
Marky Hattabaugh
Bro. Hattabaugh’s son Marky, isnt he cute?? :o)

Bro. Boyd
Bro. Boyd pastors a church in Hatchbend, He was our day speaker this year.
Jeremy practicing on the drums between classes
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