*Justin's Bio*
What's the dilly yo, it's Justin's bio
- ~Birthday: January 31, 1981
- ~Place of Birth: Memphis, Tennesse
- ~Eyes: blue
- ~Hair: sandy blond
- ~Nicknames: Curly Bounce and Shot (basketball)
- ~Favorite food: cereal (especially Apple Jacks and Capn' Crunch) and pasta
- ~Favorite Drink: the boy must have strong bones cuz he loves milk
- ~Favorite book: Clue
- ~Favorite Movies: 12 Monkeys and The Usual Suspects
- ~Favorite TV Shows: Friends, Sienfeld, and South Park
- ~Favorite Color: baby blue
- ~Favorite Musicians: Brian McKnight, Take 6, Stevie Wonder, Boys 2 Men and the Backstreet Boys. (no, just kidding about that last one)
- ~Car: Mercedes M Class, which was recently keyed. (people, come on. Show some respect would ya? That's a nice car...)
- ~What he collects: basketball gear and sneakers
- ~Family: parents and stepparents, Lynn and Paul Harless and Lisa and Randy Timberlake. Brothers Jonathan (5) and Steven (7 months) man are those kids gonna be cute or what?
- ~Most Influential Person In His Life: "my parents are da bomb!"
- ~Best Childhood Memory: "being on stage"
- ~Best Buddies: "the rest of the guys in the group."
- ~Describe Yourslelf In Five Words: "Charismatic, Athlectic, Music's my life."
- ~Bad Habits: "procrastination and pessimism."
- ~Turn Off's: girls who smoke and fake people
- ~Turn On's: confidence and positivity because "it's hard to find an optimistic person these days."
- ~Best Time In His Life: "right now, being in Nsync."
- ~Message To Fans: "Wad up? Hope ya'll enjoy our album." (do you think the boy could maybe use English for once, instead of ebonics. Then maybe we'd all know what he's talking about)
Best Justin quotes ever
- "HEY! I ain't got nobody to dance with."-Nsync on T.G.I.F.
- "So what we're tying to say is J.C.'s a klepto."-on J.C.'s obsession with stealing Hard Rock Cafe Menus (though I'm sure they just give them to him by now)
- "Stop askin' me this!"-on how the group was formed
- "It's perfect, the way the song comes out. I think it's a wittier way of saying to someone how much you care for them."-on GMHSALMTOY
- "Joe mamma, you don't even know my name."-from radio interview
- "I am cookieman and J.C. is my sidekick, sprinkles."
- "Smotha than butta baby."-most likely talking about himself
- "What you talkin' bout' little brain Willie?"-from Nsync top 40 countdown
- "Kathie Lee took a liking to my man J.C."
- "I cruze in my benz."
- "I'm gonna get my party on tonight, I'm gonna get it crunk...that's what you say."-Nsync on T.G.I.F.
- "My hobby is basketball, that's what I do, man. I'm not old enough to go clubbin." (now that he is old enough don't you wonder what kind of trouble he's already gotten into...these are the things that keep me up at night, I swear.)
- "She was talkin' bout' my man's dreads."-on Chris' hair
- "It's a beautiful thang!"
- "We're crashin. in Joey's trailor, PARTY OVER HERE!"-from Nsync on T.G.I.F.
- "Joey bought this coat that looked like a hydrogen peroxide chewbacca."-from Nsync on House Of Style
- "I've been singing since I was two-if I could talk-I could sing."-from 'Teen People Interview
- "I don't pay attention to those kind of things."-on being compared to Nick Carter
- "Hey, I"m Justin, I'm from Memphis and I'm 21...or maybe not...I'm 17."-from Kathie Lee Christmas Special
- "We didn't want to be the next anybody, we wanted to be the first Nsync."
- "The next video is an oldie but a goodie, well for me cuz I'm only like three."-Nsync top 40 countdown
- "You're lying girl, I was red as a coke can."-on his sun burn
- "Gee, let me think..screaming girls, I don't know."-when asked if the whole 'fame thing' is hard to handle (come on people, he's the mack, you know he loves it)
- "My biggest fear...Actually, I fear, like somebody..cause when throwing stuffed animals onstage, I fear someone's gonna throw something like really heavy towards my head and it's gonna smack me unconcious and they'll have to take me to the hospital and I might die. But that won't happen." (I'm sorry, but that has to be THE best Justin quote ever.....woah, that's funny)