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REMEMBER The colors will look different on a colored page. Copy the code, and make your own page using different bg's each save to determine what looks best with a certain background

Indianred            Brown                Saddlebrown          darkred              Maroon               Sienna

Sandybrown           Darksalmon           Lightcoral           Salmon               Lightsalmon          Lightpink

Pink                 Hotpink              Deeppink             Palevioletred        Firebrick            Crimson

Mediumvioletred      Orangered            Tomato               Coral                Darkorange           Orange

Palegoldenrod        Khaki                Peachpuff            Wheat                Navajowhite          Moccasin

Bisque               Blanchedalmond       Papayawhip    Lightyellow   LightGoldenrodYellow Lemonchiffon

Biege                Cornsilk             Oldlace              Mistyrose            Lavenderblush        Linen

Antiquewhite         Seashell             Whitesmoke           Mintcream            Ghostwhite           Aliceblue

Honeydew             Azure                Floralwhite   Snow                 Ivory                White

Gainsboro            Lightgrey            Silver               Darkgray             Lightslategray       Slategray

Grey                 Dimgray              Black
