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Arms reaching
Open wide,
Inviting you in,
Electricity flowing from one to another
Raising nerves of anticipation
As we touch.

Just to hold you in my arms,
To feel your warmth
Like coals newly uncovered,
Burning fires,
Love's desires
Newly discovered.

Hemlock juice flowing through veins
Willing yet to stand the pain,
Touches of fire
Skin tingling with desire.

Becoming more united
With every passing eternity,
Lips drawn together
Like a sunset
Towing the sun into the horizon.

Soft, moist, yielding flesh,
Lips slightly parted;
Meeting an inferno
Of passion,
Stirring through our bodies,
Nipples stiffening,
Manhood rising
As juices begin flowing.

Bodies intertwine,
Fingertips caress,
Lips devour,
Tongue leaves behind
Glistening trails of desire,
Movements becoming more and more frenzied,
Hips grinding,
Flesh, and spirits becoming one
You, and I
On fire,