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Chapter 18: Goodbye Isn't Forever

Kayla hugged Nick tighter. She was crying. She didn’t want him to get on the bus. “Oh Nick, I don’t want you to go. Please don’t go” She sobbed. She was clinging to him.

“Kay darling please. This is my job. I can’t just say I don’t want to go. Please. I will call you everyday and everything. Don’t make this any worse then it already is!” Nick said. He was choking back tears himself but he didn’t want to admit that Kay.

“You better!” She said as she pulled away and wiped her tears from her face.

“Oh Kay” He kissed her. She threw her arms around him again. She kissed him intensely.

Meanwhile, across the parking lot Camille was holding AJ. “I love you so much. Oh I am going to miss you more then anything” She kissed him.

“I love you! I will call you everyday!” AJ said when the kiss ended.

“Take video of everywhere. Please. On stage too! I want to see everything!” Camille said. She kissed him again. “I don’t want you to go. I want to join you! Please call and write. I will miss your kisses so much!”

“I will miss a lot more then your kisses” AJ said as he pulled her closer.

“Come On AJ” Howie called. AJ pulled away.

“I love you!” He said. He kissed her one more time and with that he went to board the bus.

Camille and Kayla said goodbye to the rest of the guys. The boarded the bus and it pulled away. Nick and AJ went to the windows. Nick made his fingers into a heart and AJ blew Camille a kiss. Kayla copied what Nick had done and Camille caught the kiss in her hand and brought her hand to her mouth. “Good-bye My love” Kayla said. She began to cry again. Her friend comforted her.

“Now Kayla it isn’t goodbye forever!” Camille said. “Besides in a few months they will be back and we will have them all to ourselves again. But for now we must show Emilie a good time. Besides we can plan the welcome home celebration for our guys! Come on!” Camille pulled her friend back to her car.

Chapter 19

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