“Look! Just Look!” Camille exclaimed as she held up a clump of her read hair infront of AJ’s face.
“So your hair is falling out” AJ said.
“OH!” Camille cried as she flung herself towards her pillow. AJ was amazed at how upset she was. She had been complaining ever since he had come into the room saying things like “How can you stand to look at me! I have practically no hair!” and “ I understand if you want to break up with me” AJ had been so worried he had talk to the nurse that tended to her during the day.
“Is it normal for her to be acting like that? Is it the drugs you guys pump into her everyday?” He had asked. The nurse just laughed.
“She is feeling unpretty because all her beautiful hair is falling out. I think she is weaker then you may think!” She said as she walked off to tend to another patient. Now as AJ sat here trying to figure out what the nurse eant he finally clued in. She is getting depressed abouther looks! Oh Jeez! He thought to himself. He thought of what he could do to reinsure her about her looks.
Nick and Kayla entered the room while AJ was deep in thought. Nicke held in a laugh as he remembered the look on AJ’s face when he had played his trick on him the other day. Pure shock at finding he had just kissed Nick on the cheek instead of his girlfriend turned into a wrestling match. Unfortunately, for Nick, AJ had won.
Kay almost flew to Camilles side. “Oh Cami, your hair!” she cried as she freed the clump of hair Camille had been holding.
“Kay, I can’t stand this! I...” the sentence trailed off as Camille covered her mouth and jumped out of bed. She made a mad dash to the bathroom and the room was filled with sounds of coughing and spiting. Nick raised his eyebrow at AJ and pointed to the bathroom as if to ask ‘is this normal?’
“Don’t worry. Regular thing that happens about a half an hour after eating.” AJ nodded.
“Oh.. that is awful” Nick said as he took a seat in the chair beside the table. Kayla nodded in agreement.
Camille slowly walked into the room again. She looked flushed. She climbed into bed and pulled the covers over her head. “She’s embarrassed” AJ informed the other two where were looking from on to the other then to the bed.
The day dragged on for Camille. With the endless need for sleep and sprints for the bathroom, she was exhausted. She often slept now. AJ stayed through her sleeping. He watched television while she slept and talked with her when she had the energy to bring herself from her slumber.
Days seemed to make Camille worse. Every morning, AJ saw her condition worsen. He wondered why she was still trying to stay awake for a half an hour at a time to talk with him. Eventually, AJ was told that he should go home. The nurses said that it would be better for him to get som rest in his bed then not sleep much on a cot. He had agreed but knew he would not sleep more but less when he was not at Camilles side.
Listening to one of Camilles favorite songs, Crazy by Patsy Cline, AJ washed his dishes by hand. His dishwasher had broken and he was stuck with washing them manually. Just listening to the song gave AJ’s gut a twist of the knife that had been lodged there ever since he had learned of Camilles disease.
For what seemed to be weeks now, he had gotten up early and gone to the hospital to only see Camille’s health decline. The doctors had told him there was little hope. Kayla and Nick had been there for him through it all. Kay’s hurt was much more relevant then both AJ’s or Nick’s because after all she was like a sister to Camille.
Camille had just said that day “AJ I love you. I always will and whatever happens to me please keep in mind that I loved you.” She had said it as if she had given up hope as well. Pretty much everyone had given up hope. AJ was ashamed to say but he had given up on it as well. But there was Kayla, who seemed to know more then everyone else. After all, Kayla was her best friend.