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you are:
a sunglow creation of radiant warm yellow daze
that blankets me with a soft satin sleek drape
encapsulating my eyes that delight in only you
covering me with the sweet dreams beauty of a lover....

you are:
a jewel in the twilight hours with sparkling facets
that dance with a decadence of moon lilac beams
so enchanted am i with the aura of golden borealis
i bow at the feet of your illuminating tranquil grace....

you are:
a windswept field of firey poppies of red chivalry
that intuitively sway in a perpetual motion of rhythm
softly rocking my hearts cradle to a lullabye baby sweet
on a whirlwind of spinning leaves of mystical autumn....

you are:
a genesis in a galaxy of shooting stars phenonemon
that parts the seas bringing comforting deliverance
calming the oceans of azure blues to smooth ripples
an exodus that leads to milk and honey lands of plenty...

you are:
a docile shower of raindrops refreshing the atmosphere
that brings growth and regeneration to a flower garden
renewing it with the boost of nitrates of survival pink serenity
nourishments of necessity to make it stand to attentive glory....

you are:
a strand of pearls that holds together a world of black
that are handstrung in silken fine silver threads
with a natural glisten of iridescent blazing shades
of rainbow colours that promise forever white lily purity....

you are:
a well of crystal goodness quenching green grasses that thirst
that never runs dry although tapped unmercifully by the unholy
yet you spring forth in a tangerine pheromone of fragrant remedy
with citrus healing salve that represents all that is harmonious....

you are:
the epitome of valour armed with dignity and love incarnate
an endangered species of the universe that enraptures my soul
the enigma of absolutes that paints the planets with nobility
with brushstrokes so amiable on the canvas of my crimson heart....
you are, my love.....................

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