Hello. My name is Alex. I am 19 years old. I would have been a sophmore in college this year, but my wonderful parents were suddenly killed in a freak boating accident. My older sister and and I had to sell off just about everything they owned to cover their debts. I couldn't afford another semester at school. I didn't mind too much, I had never fit in there anyway. I think it was my mostly due to my appearance - I was often labeled a "sissy". I am only about 5'8", and very thin. I never developed big muscles, and I have small hands and feet. I have dirty blond hair, which I had not cut for a while, so it was nearly down to my shoulders. I have hardly any body hair, and what I do have is fine and light colored. So it's not like I was leaving behind a great life with lots of friends at the school. My sister said I could move in with her to save money, but there was one catch. She lived in an apartment with two other girls. You know what happened next...