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Judgement In Death

Title: Judgement In Death

Author: J.D. Robb

Publisher: Berkley/Sept. 2000

From The Back Of The Book:

The latest romantic suspense novel featuring New York City police lieutenant Eve Dallas.

When a cop killer cuts loose in a club called Purgatory, Eve Dallas descends into an underground criminal hell...

In an uptown strip joint, a cop is found bludgeoned to death. The weapon's a baseball bat. The motive's a mystery. It's a case of serious overkill that pushes Eve Dallas straight into overdrive. Her investigation uncovers a private club that's more than a hot spot. Purgatory's a last chance for atonement where everyone is judged. Where your ultimate fate depends on your most intimate sins. And where one cop's hidden secrets are about to plunge innocent souls into vice-ridden damnation...


This was a good book especially toward the end. In this on-going series from Robb you expect the best and usually get it. This was not my favorite book of the series but still an engrossing read. Judgement In Death lacked the involvement of a supporting cast that you've come to like and enjoy reading about as much as you love Eve and Roarke. I think this absence took away from the overall tone of the book.

If you love the In Death books (which I do) then you will find this one a worthy addition to the series.