The English Angora Rabbit
The English Angora is described as resembling a round ball of fluff. The body is short couipled and compact. Chest and shoulders are to be full and round.The topline is to gradually rise to a peak at the point over the hips and then gently round down to the tail. Flesh is firm and never flabby!
The head on an English Angora is short and broad and well set. Wool trimmings are to be present on the forehead (called the bangs) as well as on the cheeks.
Ears are carried erect and in a "V" shape formation. Ideal length is to be 4 inches. Ears are also to carry wool fringes at the tips.
The wool on an English Angora is silky in appearance and of ideal length of 3 1/2 to 5 inches. Density over the entire animal is to be uniform and the greater the density the better. However, do not be fooled by matts, webbing or felting! These will give the false sense of density! You should feel for density on several diferent areas of the rabbit as well as by blowing into the wool to seperate down to the skin. Evenness s also desired in the Angora coat.
One note about length ... it is clearly stated in the ARBA "Standard of Perfection" 1996 - 2000 edition that "No advantage to be given wool over 5 inches in length. Wool should not be so long as to spoil the English type appearance of a round ball of fluff." Therefore, please remember when purchasing an English Angora that length is not everything! As per the Standards set forth by ARBA any coat over 5" is not to be given preference! In fact, the astronomical coat length that some breeders are presenting on the show tables are in fact taking away from the breed standard as set forth by ARBA as well as by the NARBC (National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club).
Recognized colors for English Angoras are broken into 2 groups, being WHITE and COLORED. In the WHITE group you have: Pointed white (himalayan marked) recognized in black, chocolate, blue and liac for the marking colors, BEW (blue eyed white) and REW (ruby eyed white).
In the COLORED group you have your Agouti colors of Chinchilla, Chocolate Chinchilla, Lilac Chinchilla, Squirrel, Chestnut, Chocolate Agouti, Copper, Lynx and Opal.
Self group includes: Black, Blue, Chocolate and Lilac.
Shaded group: your Pearl varieties including sable pearl, black pearl, blue pearl, chocolate pearl and lilac pearl. Also in the shaded group you have Sable, Seal, Smoke Pearl, Blue Tort, Chocolate Tort, Lilac Tort and Tortoiseshell.
For the Ticked group Steel, Blue Steel, Chocolate Steel and Lilac Stell are all accepted colors.
And finally the Wide Ban group includes Cream, Fawn and Red.
The personality of the English Angora is sometimes described as being "doglike". I know from personal experience that my English are very people orientated and absolutely love attention! They are very kind and mellow. Laid back and especially well adapted with children. The English Angora is truely a lovely breed to own!