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Currently For Sale

As of August 3, 2000 we have the following bunnies available for sale ....

More babies available soon, just need to sex, evaluate and tattoo before listing them here.

Netherland Dwarfs:

Jersey Woolies:

2 yr old registered siamese sable doe.
very nice type and wool
has had previous litters for original breeder but not for us
Beautiful 13 month old siamese sable doe
type and wool to die for! large masculine head as well
has not been bred, needs to be ASAP
almost 2 yr old siamese sable doe
was shown as a junior and did well but hasnt been able to earn a leg due to small class sizes
nice head and ear, good type, awesome wool length and density
has been bred once and had a single dead kit, needs to bred again asap

Mini Rex:

BS134 Blue Skies' Spittin Image
DOB 4/15/00, castor junior buck
Beautiful type, very nice head and ears. Very small and typy, should mature to 3 1/4 lbs
Would do well as a show prospect and herd buck.
pedigree includes lines from YeWee, Boot's & West Branch.
Broken Tort Jr Doe
Very nice show prospect, good head and ears, nice rise and depth. Rich color and defined markings.
Blue Skies' Puma
Broken Lilac Tort (non accepted color for showing), junior buck
Amazing type on this little buck!Fur density to die for!!!
All over balance, very nice shoulders, head and ears, nice full hindquarters, good depth and full loin.

English Angoras:

Several torts available ... chocolates, blues & regular blk torts
bucks and does, show quality and pet/wooler
$50 - $75
Pet quality BEW himalayans available. Beautiful feel to their wool, very very affectionate! $50 ea

Holland Lops:

Any bunnies listed here are available for delivery to the ARBA convention in Oct '00. As we are NOT able to attend convention a fuel surcharge will be applied to above stated prices to cover gas/tolls/etc for the person transporting bunnies to the show.

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