The Butterfly Empress
Hey, My name is Caroline
Okay well I am 17 years old and I just recently moved from Turkey... that means for the past year and a half no fast food, no malls, and no driving... but hey I got to be gawked at and once in awhile I got my butt grabbed... sounds like a fair trade, right? Yeah, well the only thing that kept me sane was knowing that eventually I will PCS out of there back to the promised land - the States.
You know I didn't know God had a sense of humor until I PCSed to Germany.
Okay... well this is just some stuff that for some reason I am going to share...
Places I have lived
- Okinawa, Japan
- Ellsworth, South Dakota -- It is as boring as it sounds
- England -- England is Cool!
- Rome, New York -- I LOVE New York
- Hell -- I mean Lawton, Oklahoma
- Izmir, Turkey... UGH!!! I miss all of you guys soo much
- Huckelhoven, Germany... man I hate here... but its all good... I'm WISCONSIN bound!!!
Things I listen to when no is around to piss me off or complain about my music
- Live -- Lightening Crashes
- Everclear -- Father of Mine
- Everclear -- Everything to Everyone
- Silverchair -- Suicidal Dream
- Silverchair -- Miss you love
- Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
- The ENTIRE Les Meserables' CD - and I'm not talking the crappy
- I would say my Matchbox 20 CD... but Kayla STOLE it...
Crap I felt like adding!
- I am addicted to Dr. Pepper -- I swear I have carbonated blood...
- I am a vegetarian -- meat is bad! DOWN WITH THE CARNIVORES!!!
- My favorite color is purple and I love butterflies... come on... who's shocked??!!
- Thursday is the best day of the week - Dude, I miss Chris!
- Beloit College accepted me!!! I'm going to College... I'm going to College - YEAH!!!! Wisconsin here I come!!!
- Okay I know that all of you are laughing about me moving to Wisconsin... Wisconsin is cool...