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More Pictures!

These are just SOME of the pics that I took while I was in Turkey...
I still have like 4 more rolls to develop... and I haven't developed any of the pics from when I was in Kansas...

Kayla and I are wearing our Rainbow Brite T-Shirts!!!
aren't we soo cute!!!

okay the rest of these pictures are just when we were hanging around in the senior lounge
and I think there is one of Kayla at the Shopette...

Okay here is Kayla at the Shopette...
I think this picture is cool!

okay this is just a picture of Andy
we were all goofing off in the senior lounge
(Does Andy's arm look weird to anybody else?)

Just so everyone knows...
I got yelled at because she's wearing really cool shoes
and I cut them off... sorry!

I don't know who's glasses those are...
but I think that Kayla should start wearing a pair like them all the time

Isn't this a cute picture... I think they look soo cute!

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