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Photos of our Stained Glass #2

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For All the World to See

This design of our work was made by John, the marble display is from Potrack's marble video. The stained glass lamp is my design and it shows Gov's side of the lamp. The other side of the lamp is of my other cat Suzanna. (shown on Cats-N-Glass photo page)

Kat's fused quilt

This panel is made of 9 quilt blocks that were fused and then leaded together. It measures 24" x 24". It won a first place ribbon.

This is one of my abstract panels. It is called "Frozen Scream" several of people say this is what a panic attack feels like. {from personal experience this is what it feels like to me.} Alot of people have a difficult time with abstract designs. I will even admit I did too, before I started making them. To the artist each line is there for a reason. For the viewer, what you see in an abstract design is how you can enjoy it. An abstract design may have different meanings for each person, I guess that is one of the reasons I have learned to love abstract designs.

Last update May 22,2002


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