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The Stained Glass Connection

The Stained Glass Connection

The brilliancy of its colors
as the fire molecules once caputred
in the molten state now dance about
in solidness.
The illumination of this life giver
stimulates my soul with the energy
from atoms projected by dancing sunbeams.
Glass is Alive, and it reminds me that I am Alive.

When my body lies frozen it speaks to me from the
artroom with a "ping" here and a "ka-nap" there
telling me it is alive.
In the sunlight a chorus of rainbows
sing to me in such glorious colors,
red, blue, purple and greens.
Reminding me the glazier, the instrument by which
creativity flowed to connect the fire molecules.
Bringing into being, life created by my female side
to be passed to the next generations.
Glass is Alive, and it reminds me that I am Alive.

As I struggle through changes of adaption and recovery
I am to release the masks of the past,
finding the unity and harmony
of my very existence...
I find my courage as I listen to the glass
so free with beauty.
I wake from my torturous Narcoleptic slumber, it speaks
to me from across the room as if to say
"Good Morning", proving it is still with me
promising to be my lifeline.

Glass is Alive, and it reminds me that I Am Alive.

© Katrina Katz

This poem is dedciated to the memory of

Linda Rae Owens
September 22, 1937
March 18, 2000

I miss you
Thank-you for all you taught
and shared with me.

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Updated last on April 2, 2000