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Cat Fishing


I'm really a cat, you know.
One of my biggest pleasures is fish,
Especially the eatin' part.

The other night the guys
were talking about going fishin'.
Winter will be over soon,
And fishin' season starts.
I just love eatin' fish!

My mind had this bright idea!
I'll go fishin' with the guys.
And catch my own fish!

Then my kind friend gently reminded me
Of how far you have to walk,
Cross streams, and even sometimes
The water rushes up at you!
My mind has such bright ideas,
but it forgets,
that my body isn't able to follow.

So I'll just be this cat,
That loves eatin' fish.
My mind can dream of going fishin',
I'll lick my paws after my delicious fish dinner,
Then purr with delight to ell the guys,



© Katz /
this poem is copyrighted,
may use ONLY with permission of author

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Jan. 6, 2012