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In Remembrance......

"We come here to remember those who were killed, those who survived and those changed forever.
May all who leave here know the impact of violence.
May this memorial offer comfort, strength, peace, hope and serenity."


The entrance of the Oklahoma City Memorial is two large gates of time on each end of Fifth Street. Beneath the inscription "We come here to remember..."

"One is drawn through the gate's opening...

"One is drawn through the gate's opening into the heart of a moment eager to tell its story. The rising sun's innocence shines through the opening of the eastern gate "9:01".


The Footprints of.....

"Morning gives way to the life-changing events of the Memorial Complex "9:02". The footprint of the former Alfred P. Murrah Building to the south is covered with soft green grass."


The Chairs....

"The evergreens stand watch over a field of 168 empty chairs, in remembrance of those who died."
