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Martha's Farm

  One of my "theatre sets". This one captured a First Place ribbon in a juried exhibit. One of many showings Martha's Farm appeared at. This is named after a very special lady, who had a great influence on me as an artist. This was despite of the fact she wasn't an artist herself. She was however a excellent writer,and beautiful loving soul. Also when I first met her at age 70 something she was running a goat farm! This theatre sets, has many of the things Martha always desired, such as the rock / stone fireplace. [a profession I did before I took to stained glass!]

Martha's page

Martha's Farm

Martha's Farm is 3-D and measures aprox. 14" x 16" x 9". The miniature fireplace has 75 pieces of glass. It measures 5" tall by 5" across by 1" deep, The hearth extends out 2". The "logs" are twigs from my yard, all the rest is glass.

The curtains and chairs were slumped over handmade molds to get their shape. The lamp is glass, with wire and lead for it's stand.

The rug on the floor is to represent a Navajo woven rug. It began as 130 separate pieces, fused and "combed" into one piece.


A view of being lite from underneath.

This is totally all my design. It is dedicated to the loving memory of Martha Wetherill Stewart. Please respect my creativity and don't steal this image or design.

© Southpawcats
May 20, 2002

Footnote: In case you have ever wondered where the line between detail and insanity was, I believe I did find it on this project. At one time the lamp had 125 fringe pieces I made from stringers and broke into the same length, then glued on. They looked so much like real fringe that people had to touch! I finally removed them since each showing more got broken despite the "Do Not Touch!" sign.