Another Kid Died Today

another kid died today
another kid died to make way
for the adult to take his place
devouring childhood in a vampires embrace

you won't get me so fuck you all
you're just another pin in my voodoo doll
another one fell, and no one caught
they didn't see what they should have fought

it happens everyday, but I knew this one
it happens every day, but we had had some fun
innocence drips like blood from the corners of my eyes
innocence runs from the face that is a mask of their lies

I sit in morbid pieces on the bank of Acheron
I sit and I think but I can't right this wrong
you had better not ask me what made me this way
'cause another kid died today

I weep because the ones left are so few
another kid died today and I weep because it was you!

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