The Pinks

*Note: This poem is dedicated to my freind Jessica and the Aussie Satanists*

you will never know because you are the herd
you will never hear the things I have heard
The path I walk is too scary for you
the path I walk is out of your view

when I look at you all see are tools
we of the left hand path make the rules
you exist only to entertain so keep that in mind
we can show you pain for we are less then kind

we are the rulers that control from behind the scenes
on this earth we are the kings and queens
when we mature and come into our own
we can not be ousted from our throne

this is a dangerous poem but what can I loose
after all you will only see it if I choose
so I give this the fellow pilgrims that walk with me
Hail to my brothers and sisters, we are the only ones who are free!

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