The Blood

You walk into your church. There in front, instead of a pulpit, is a life-sized cross. On it is a bloody, battered, naked body. Pieces of flesh are hanging down. There He is right in front of you. He is bloody and beaten, with His face distorted in agony. You can smell His body from where you sit. He is an unbearably shocking sight. Why should it shock you? You sing songs about His blood and His sacrifice. Don't you think about what you are singing? Or do you even still sing about His blood? Jesus said, "Take this cup. It is My blood. Remember Me." Do you remember Him? Have you ever seen human bloodshed? What is our reaction to bloodshed? When we hear of it, or see it, it shocks us. Jesus had a human body. It was His human blood that was poured out on the ground. It was the price He paid to redeem us. What if the only sermon for the day was the sight of His naked, bloody body? Could you sit there for an hour and a half just looking at the price Jesus paid for you? Would you ever again carelessly sing about His blood? Would you leave your church, once again, thinking of everything but Jesus? He shed His blood; His body was crushed. He says, "Do this in remembrance of Me," so you take the cracker in your mouth. You crush it between your jaws and consume it. Jesus did not resist the horror that came upon Him. He says, "Come, take Me in your jaws of sin and crush Me. I am utterly crushed for your iniquities. I am consumed by your sin...for your sake." Moses sprinkled the people with the fellowship offering. He spattered them with blood. How would you feel to have blood spattered on your face and body? Could you go on to have an Easter play with fun, fun, fun? Or would you see the blood that covers you and fall on your face before the living God? Jesus suffered incomprehensible suffering. He became our sin - the sin of all; past, present, and future. Remember the price that Jesus paid. Remember and be changed. "Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself." I Corinthians 11:27-29

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