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Kissed By a Rose ~ Rocket Jesse


Kissed by a Rose

Rating: PG, maybe PG-13. I'm not the greatest rater.

Written: June '99

Category: Romance, romance, romance! There's a little humor, too.

Disclaimer: Guess what: Jesse, James, and Meowth are not mine.

Summary: Ever wonder why Jesse wears *green* earrings, or why James *always* has a rose?

Author's note: Okay, this is just your basic, run-of-the-mill rose mush fic.. I only wrote it because I was in a really sappy mood. One more thing (I promise I'll shut up after this): This story is *only* for Froggy's page, 'cuz she ROCKS! If you see it anywhere else, please let me know. Kay? Kay.. Feedback: You'll be my best friend!


Kissed by a Rose

by Rocket Jesse


For the millionth time, Meowth watched James go into a trance as Jesse brushed her hair with her back to them.

They'd hugged six times that day. Twice from happiness and four in terror. They'd touched eleven times. Finished each other's sentences fifteen, said the same thing at the same time twelve, and looked at each other seventy three.

Obviously, Meowth had been having a boring day. To pass the time, he'd counted up all their little romantic hints, or whatever you want to call them.

Yes, definitely a *very* boring day.

So, he decided to spice things up a little.

"Hey, James-- if roses are the flowers of love and romance, as I believe I've heard you say, then why are you always carryin' one around?"

Immediately, James snapped out of his Jesse daze, and she stiffed as the brush froze in her hair.

Meowth smiled. This was going to be good.

"Well… you know that roses symbolize… other things…" Wide-eyed, James silently pleaded with Meowth to drop it.

Of course, he would do no such thing. "Like what?"

Jesse's hands unsteadily resumed their grooming in her long mane. Although she hadn't and most likely wouldn't say anything soon, it was doubtless that she was listening intently and hanging on every word.

James struggled for a minute or two for a decent answer. Even when he voiced it, it was evident that he wished he didn't have to. "Beautiful things can be painful."

"Like Jesse?" Jerking a thumb towards her, the same smug expression remained on Meowth.

This left James speechless and completely red.

"So, ya keep a rose on ya to show that you're in love with Jess-"

In a rare moment of courage, James covered Meowth's enormous mouth before he could finish his sentence. Jesse shakily stood, not once looking back at them, and quickly walked out of the clearing.

Laughter bubbled up inside of Meowth until James' hand could hold it back no longer. It burst out so loudly that Jesse could probably hear it, even though she was surely a good ways away by then.

"You think that's funny?!" James yelled once he found his voice again.

"You shoulda seen the look on your face! It was a Kodak moment!"

"Stop laughing!"

That proved impossible. As a result, James, being the non-violent person that he is, reached behind him and produced a ball of yarn, which he threw into the trees.

Without another chuckle, Meowth ran after it. That was *sure* to get him lost out there.

Now, James had to worry about Jesse. Should he go after her? Should he ditch camp for a while, like she had? Should he wait for her?

The last thing he wanted was a confrontation. There was no telling how she would react.


Could he act like nothing had happened? That way, he wouldn't have to face rejection. Well, just as long as she ignored it, too.

He had his answer when Jesse strolled back to their campsite *relatively* calmly. "James, are you just going to sit there all night and swoon-I-I-I mean stare?"

"No! I was just… uh… going to eat dessert! Yeah, dessert! Want me? No, no, I mean, want some?"

This was no good. Jesse took a deep breath to settle herself. After all, she *was* the toughest of the Team. And the toughest just doesn't let herself be embarrassed.

Desperately attempting stutter-free speech, she said, "Sure. I'll have a doughnut."

At her strange request, he gave her a questioning look. Most of the blush in his cheeks faded away while he concentrated on thinking about why she wanted a doughnut and not what Meowth had said.

"I can have a doughnut if I want, can't I? I'm just in a doughnut mood."

Experimentally, he cracked a grin. "Me too!"

Her smile followed, and the awkwardness vanished. They almost always felt comfortable around each other, so why shouldn't they now? "When aren't you?"

While he turned to dig in one of the bags, she seated herself directly in front of him in his pajamas. Whether they actually *were* pajamas was debatable-- all he slept in was a tank top and boxers.

Once he'd found two jelly doughnuts, he faced her again and handed her one.

"Honestly, James," she murmured as she watched him devour half of his in one bite. "I don't know how you can eat so much junk and retain such a nice body."

His ego took over and he didn't even notice her timid expression. "My body's always looked nice."

The first bite of her doughnut entered her mouth and she rolled her eyes at him. "More than you know," she mumbled quietly to herself.

"What was that, Jesse?" A devilish grin had placed itself on his charming face.

"I didn't say anything." She was almost never this nice. Maybe it was her way of returning the feelings that Meowth had so graciously brought up. If he was lucky. But once she was back to her usual impossible-to-embarrass self, next to nothing could bring a blush to her cheeks. Nonchalantly, she took a few more bites, while James swallowed the rest of his in one gulp.

"We both know we're the two best-looking people on the planet. There's nothing wrong with saying so."

Taking this into consideration for a moment with another bite, she looked at him with a nod and a tiny smile. He couldn't forget what a lovely figure she kept, too. How could he when all she wore to bed was a stomach-baring tank top and a matching pair of so-small-they're-almost-underwear shorts?

She never *was* modest.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

"Why do you always wear green earrings?" he blurted out as soon as his eyes rested upon them.

Despite the skill with which she camouflaged her emotions, he could easily detect that he'd hit a soft spot. He couldn't wait to hear her answer.

"I just like that colour."

"You know, you should try blue ones. They'd match your hair and eyes nicely.."

Nervously, she continued eating, although James was the only person who'd be able to tell she felt that way. "No, I just like green a lot. It's one of my favourite colours."



"No, really, I want to know."

It was obvious she was uncomfortable now, because she wasn't whipping out her fan or mallet. She finished the doughnut off and became very interested in cleaning her hands with her napkin. "Just… because."

This was just too good to pass up. He rarely ever learned new things about her anymore, and he always loved hearing more. "Come on, tell me! I can keep a secret! We tell each other everything!"

"Hey, is it getting cold out here or what? I think I'll go turn in for the night."

Felling pumped with his ability to turn his partner into a shy little wimp, he lunged for her as soon as she'd turned around to crawl to her pink sleeping bag just a few feet away.

He landed right on top of her back, pinning her to the ground. Without a word, he simply stayed there for a moment, waiting to see what she'd do.

"Um… James?" she asked to break the silence.

"Yes, Jesse?"

"What… exactly… are you doing?"

"I'm laying on you. What did you think?"

"Why… are you laying on me?"

"You said you were cold. Just trying to help." Moving his head so his mouth was right next to her ear, he whispered, "So why do you like green?"

Wow, this was fun! He hadn't been able to flirt this much since Pokémon Tech! She usually ruined it with her mallet.

"It's a… it's a nice colour, you know?"

"Yes, but why is it so special?"

"I'd really… um… like to go to sleep now."


Before rolling off of her, he delicately traced her ear and smiled at her sharp intake of breath when he did. He stood up and observed her.

She just laid still for a second or two, then slowly stood up facing him. She blinked a few times, and she looked at him, slightly frightened, as though she was expecting another… attack.

He'd never seen her so adorably vulnerable.

For precisely that reason, he stepped right up, slid his arms around her, and easily swept her off her feet into a fireman's carry. All she did was stare at him with big questioning blue eyes while he took her the short distance to their sleeping bags, which lay side by side.

He bent over to lay her down on hers, but instead ended up deciding to sit on his blue bag with her in his cross-legged lap. "Green?" he hopefully asked.

She didn't say anything at first, just reached up with a smile and new confidence to touch the skin around his eyes. "Why do you always carry a rose around?"

The reality of the situation abruptly hit him. Here Jesse was in his arms, sliding *her* arms around *him,* telling him that she wore green earrings because *his* eyes were green and she knew *exactly* why he always carried a rose. But, strangely, he didn't feel nervous or apprehensive. Maybe because this was meant to happen.

His romantic side took over, and he didn't even have to think about what he was saying. "Because I'm in love with one."

A brilliant smile thanked him. "You know, roses *are* the flowers of love and romance."

"And I'm holding the most beautiful one in my arms." This was amazing; he'd always wanted to treat her like this.

He soaked the experience in to store in his memories forever.

"Feel free to kiss me anytime."

Grinning, he lowered his mouth to hers and did just that, felling so privileged to be doing so.

When a minute or so had passed, they unlocked their lips and touched their foreheads together.

"I wish I could find earrings the *exact* colour of your eyes."

"Are they really that great?"

"Every time I look into them, my heart just… melts."

James moved his head back a little so he could look into *her* eyes. "I always want to kiss you whenever I look into yours."

"Well, I'm not going to stop you whenever you do, James."

Again, he kissed his rose, the second of many times to come.


Okay, I have to know: was that so mushy it made you puke, or did you melt into a little puddle?


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