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The Saga of Odd Rocket

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The Saga of Odd Rocket

By: Odd Rocket (Kianna and Frogwoman) with help from Jiggy and Dragon-chan.


Disclaimer: We don't own Pokémon or Team Rocket...etc etc etc

Rating: Um...PG probably....I suppose..

Warning: This story is a small glimpse into the twisted and odd minds of Kianna and Frogwoman and so it may be a little...odd! Also, we're a little mean to Jessi at one point, but that doesn't mean we don't like her! We're also mean to the narrator, and Ash, Misty and Brock...well...I won't say that doesn't mean we don't like heh heh -_-* (animé sweatdrop)

Note: We created the characters Frogwoman, Kianna, Jiggy and Dragon, as well as the idea of Odd Rocket. Don't use them please, they're the personal characters of some of my best friends...and me! Well, anyway...hope you enjoy! (send any feedback

The Saga of Odd Rocket

(scene shows Ash, Misty and Brock walking down a path, lost, and the narrator talks)

"We join our heroes as they're lost, again....mffgeep...!" *sound of thumps and bangs, the picture pauses with Ash in a really funny position. Suddenly a female voice rings out.*

"Kianna, stop hitting the narrator now. I need to do the intro for Team Rocket!"

"Fine, fine." grumbles another female voice, "If its for the good of Team Rocket..."

*one more thump and a muffled moan from the narrator. Abrupt change of scene to Jessi and James standing behind a tree applying Jessi's makeup.*

"We join our *new* heroes, Jessi and James as they...apply makeup...?" says the first female voice in a narrator-like tone.

"Hey, we're not supposed to be on for another ten minutes!" Jessi and James cry in unison.

"Sorry, you're the new stars of the show..." says the new narrator...


*start of actual story*


Jessi and James were...applying Jessi's makeup and Meowth was playing with a humungous ball of yarn when James's beeper...*beeped*.

"The Boss wants us to call him." he informed Jessi, and they quickly got to the nearest phone so they wouldn't upset the Boss by being late.

"I see the Team is all well." the Boss said.

"Yes, sir." they said in unison, like army troops. The Boss smiled.

"I have a new mission for you. To steal a rare MewTwo from a Pokémon...collector in Amsterdam. Go to the Cinnabar Ravine to collect the assistants you'll have in this endeavor."

"A-Assistants?" Jessi asked.

"Yes. They're, who insist on being referred to as 'Odd Rocket'. They have some very...interesting...talents." the Boss informed them.


Kianna leaped under the waterfall and laughed her head off while the water soaked her blue hair. Frogwoman lay nearby on her stomach on the grassy bank and drew a picture of a person in a Team Rocket uniform. Beside her lay a pile of clothes and a homemade denim bag with a flap on the front which contained her most precious possessions - her drawings and art supplies (and pretty much anything else she wanted it to). She was in a bathing suit, but still had on her hat over her dark green hair.

"Hey, Frog!"

"Yeah Ki-chan?"

"Come have a shower! It's *really* fun!"

"Yeah, yeah...I know...I'm drawing a Team Rocket guy I saw the other day who was *really* cute so...*don't bother me*!"

"Okay that's fine. Butya hafta come in later..."

"Yeah." Frogwoman mumbled, trying to shade the blue-purple hair perfectly. Kianna laughed at her. She was so funny when she got into a drawing zone.


Jessi and James arrived at the right spot and waited...and waited...and waited...and wished they had a picnic...and waited some more. No Odd Rocket. They decided to try and find them. They tromped through the woods, Jessi getting grumpy cuz her hair was getting messy and dirty and there were various sticks stuck in it here and there.

Then they heard singing.

The voices were human, and quite pretty, but they were singing a Pokémon's song. Jigglypuff. Over and over.

James broke through the branches to the clearing at the base of Cinnabar Ravine first, and saw the waterfall with the two girls standing in the spray facing each other and singing the Jigglypuff's song together, in harmony. He started to feel funny, and Jessi, walking up behind him, felt the same.

Before James blanked out, he barely registered the girls looking over at them, startled.


"Great, now we've done it." Kianna muttered, hands on hips.

"It''s that guy!" Frogwoman yelled, grinning and running around and around his still form in circles. Him and the girl and Meowth with them were all frozen in place, eyes open but not seeing and mouths hanging half-open, mesmerized by the Jigglypuff song the girls had been singing.

"You suggested practicing the song." Kianna accused.

"Let's just wake 'em up. Wonder why they're here?"

Kianna slapped herself on the forehead, "Dangit. Forgot we were supposed to meet those normal Rocket members today and go with them to Amsterdam."

"You just forgot that?" Frogwoman asked skeptically, hands on hips, then giggled, "Of course you did!"

"Of course....wait, are you insinuating I'm...*ditzy* or something?"

"No, not at all." Frogwoman said sarcastically.

Kianna grinned, "O-kay." Frogwoman rolled her eyes.

They walked around the mesmerized Rocket members for a moment, then they leaned forward and both kissed the guy with the blue-purple hair and green eyes on either cheek, waking him up. Then Kianna kind of tapped the girl with red hair-of-doom and blue eyes on the forehead, which woke her up. Frogwoman did the same thing to the Meowth.


When James woke up, two girls were kissing him.

"Huh?" he demanded, confusion clouding his eyes. What had gone on here?

Those girls didn't look half-bad.

Actually, they looked good. The one girl had sky-blue hair, wide innocent purple eyes and a...*good* body. And she was wearing a bikini. The other girl, with really long green hair and weird silver eyes, was pulling on a hat that was faintly remnicient of a generic Team Rocket member hat. She was wearing a two-piece suit which tied around her neck and a boy-cut bottom.

"Who are *you*?" James asked. The blue-haired girl stepped forward while the green-haired girl surreptitiously slipped a sheet of paper with a drawing James couldn't quite make out into a denim bag that lay on the ground nearby.

"Well, my name's Kianna." the blue-haired girl said. The other girl looked up, a bundle of blue cloth in her arms.

"Mine's Raina, but you can call me Frogwoman, Spacefrog, Onycha, Rose, Shrink, Froggychick, hey you, girl over there, whatever. Basically anything but Raina. No one usually calls me that."

James blinked.

"I'm James, from Team Rocket." he said, "You can call"

The red-haired girl rolled her blue eyes, "I'm Jessi, and the cat is Meowth."

"Oh, how cute!" the girls burst out suddenly, grabbed Meowth and hugged him, babbling about how adorable he was. Meowth soaked it up like a sponge.

"Who are you with?" Jessi asked.

"We're Odd Rocket. Are you the ones we're supposed to meet?" Kianna said between 'ooh's and 'ahh's over Meowth's cuteness.

"Why aren't you in uniform, and why didn't you do your motto when we came up?" Jessi demanded.

Odd Rocket dropped Meowth and stared at her. Meowth landed on his head.

"Oh." Frogwoman said, ducking her arms and pulling a changing curtain thingy out of nowhere, "Okay!"

Muffled sounds came from behind, and the curtain shook, "...ohh, hand me that...pass me that glove please!...could you hand me my pants?..."

The curtain fell and revealed the girls wearing slightly different Team Rocket uniforms. The 'R's on the chests had a small 'O' in the middle and Kianna's was blue-grey, Frogwoman's was straight blue. Kianna held a white rose and a whip and Frogwoman had a pencil behind her ear, under her hat, and the bag over her shoulder. Instead of mini- skirts, which was the usual issued uniform for females, they wore loose flared pants and they had grey hiking boots instead of long ones. The tops were basically like Jessi's, only blue and with the strange 'R'. They wore the long gloves, too.

Jessi and James stared.

"What was the other part?" Kianna whispered to Frogwoman, who shrugged.

"Um...she said...not in uniform, and...Oh! I know. Why didn't we say our motto? Wait a minute...we have to have a motto?"

"It didn't say that on the 'help wanted' poster." Kianna puzzled.

"Okay then, we'll have to make one up." Frogwoman said, "What's the first thing that comes to your mind?"

"One giant octopus, floating in the sea."

"Okay...sucked on a chicken leg and handed it to me."

"I took the chicken leg and handed it to...thee?"

"And so on and so forth, until it turned green." Frogwoman finished.

"Till it turned green..." they both sang then, in perfect harmony. The motto went to the tune of 'The Itsy Bitsy Spider'.

"Wait, where did you come up with that last line?" Kianna asked, making a face.

"I don't know...ewww!"

"Green? Yuck!"

They threw their arms around each other and burst out laughing until they were spouting tears animé-style.

Jessi and James stared some more.

When Kianna and Frogwoman finished laughing, Frogwoman's stomach growled hungrily.

"I'm *hungry*." she said, "J'ai besoin de nourriture."

"Translate." Kianna said, investigating James again. He was holding a red rose and Kianna was happy to find someone who shared her interest in...roses.

"I *need* food." Frogwoman translated, then went off into a long French rant about something or other and everyone ignored her.

"Well, where will we get food?" James asked, "I'm hungry too. I haven't eaten for days." Meowth nodded, finally standing up and rubbing his head.

"*AM I THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO THINKS WORLD DOMINATION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FOOD?!*" Jessi shrieked, whipping out a paper fan and hitting James, then Meowth.

"Actually, yes." Frogwoman said, her voice dripping with disdain, then sarcasm, "Okay, girl with the hair of doom, I have one thing to say to you...violence is not the answer."

Kianna was steaming and brandishing her whip.

"H-H-Hair of D-Doom?" Jessi stuttered, flames in her eyes.

Frogwoman nodded, "Yeah. Why'd you use the fan? Your hair would have hurt more."

Jessi started to move towards Frogwoman, preparing for a fight.

"You're gonna fight, fight me." Kianna said, picking Jessi up by the collar and lifting her clear off the ground.

"I guess violence *is* the answer sometimes." Frogwoman grinned.

"Enough." James said, "Let's focus on the *food* issue."

"Okay." Kianna said cheerfully, dropping Jessi. Frogwoman pulled her bag from where it had been resting on her butt and rummaged around inside. She pulled out a table and three normal human-sized chairs and a Meowth-sized one, four sets of plates, cups and cutlery, a vase, and lots and lots of perfect, yummy food. As a finishing touch, Kianna gently set her white rose in the vase. James smiled and donated a rose to the vase as well. Frogwoman, feeling left out, plucked the pencil from behind her ear and stuck it in as well. They sat down to eat.

"What do I put in? I don't have anything!" Meowth complained.

"Your charm?" James suggested.

"I *don't* think so."

"Why isn't there a place for me?" Jessi whined.

"Hungry people only." Frogwoman informed her as she shoveled in a spoonful of Black Forest Cake, which happened to be Jessi's favorite. Jessi fell over backwards with her feet in the air.

"I'm hungry."

"Okay." Frogwoman relented, cuz she really didn't mind Jessi that much except for the violence to James, who was a cutey, and pulled out a fifth chair and dishes.

They ate. And, while they ate, they talked.

"What was it that happened to us when we first saw you?" James asked between bites of steak.

"We taught ourselves to sing Jigglypuff's song so accurately that we can basically mesmerize any person or Pokémon that exists, unless they can't hear us.

"Ohhh..." Jessi and James said in unison, "Which Pokémon do you have?"

"I have a Persian and a Vaporeon." Frogwoman said.

"I have Flareon and Eevee, we're collecting the Eevee sisters, and we're short a Jolteon."

"Ohhh..." Jessi and James said again. Meowth chowed down on cat food.

When they were finished, Frogwoman somehow pulled a dishwasher out of her bag and informed them that she was never washing a dish in her life again, having had that chore at home, and so she'd packed this.

"How do you do that bag thing?" James asked.

"She won't even tell me." Kianna said.

"It's homemade." Frogwoman said.

"That's all she ever says." Kianna mourned. James shrugged and loaded the dishwasher. It worked even though there was no electricity. Must have been solar powered.

They packed all the stuff away and walked off towards the path to the airport.

They walked to the Pokémon Center in the next city and walked in to revitalize and prepare their Pokémon for the airplane trip. Then they saw Team Twerp (Ash, Misty and Brock) and quickly Odd Rocket mesmerized all the people in the Center, threw them in a closet (a large, walk-in closet with air freshener, no less!) and got into their disguises. Why not catch the Pikachu while they were at it?


Ash lead the way into the Pokémon Center and looked at the Nurse Joy behind the counter. She looked slightly different, but Ash, being the dense, happy person he was, didn't notice. Misty did, but she didn't say anything. Brock had his eyes closed (?) so he couldn't see.

"Could you revitalize my Pikachu?" Ash asked, putting the tired Pokémon on the counter. The male nurse who stood beside Nurse Joy smiled and took the Pikachu.

"You look a little different from all the other Nurse Joys." Misty commented. Nurse Joy smiled and closed her slightly slanted blue eyes.

"I know. I'm the odd one out." she said. The male nurse giggled.

There were two girls sitting on the couch, who no one had really taken notice of, until Brock opened his eyes (?) and saw them. He went really nuts over the blue- haired one in loose flares and a really short T-shirt, with a white rose tucked behind her ear. The other one, who wore a form-fitting black sweater and huge cargo pants was drawing the Persian who sat in front of her.

"She's the most beautiful woman I ever saw..." Brock drooled, his cheeks scarlet. Misty rolled her eyes, and Ash continued to talk to a rather bored Nurse Joy about Pokémon.

Suddenly the green-haired girl dropped the paper and tucked the pencil behind her ear. The other girl stood too. The green-haired girl nudged the other one.

"Brock." she whispered, and the blue-haired girl grinned.

"May as well have some fun..." she whispered, winking, and walked over to Brock, being sure to swing her hips very femininely, "Hey, handsome. What's a guy like you doing in a Pokémon Center like this?"

"Blah blah blah..." Brock stuttered, "Looking at you."

"I noticed." she said, smiling brilliantly and planting a small kiss on Brock's forehead. Brock's eyes widened (?) and he melted in a puddle of brown, green and orange goo on the floor. The blue-haired girl giggled and the Nurse Joy and the male nurse struggled not to burst into a fit of laughter. The green-haired girl tried, but didn't succeed. Suddenly the male nurse yelled, "Frog! Go long!" and threw Pikachu at her. She caught it perfectly and her and the blue-haired girl ran out, followed by the Persian.

"Chaaa!" Pikachu yelled weakly.

"*PIKACHU*!" Ash shrieked. Nurse Joy and the male nurse ducked behind the counter and clothes went flying, and a pink wig, which landed on Misty's head.

"You're the most beautiful Nurse Joy of them all." Brock drooled at her, and she hit him over the head with a fist.

"I'm *NOT* Nurse Joy!" she shrieked. A huge bump formed on Brock's head.

Ash was running around in circles completely unable to figure out what to do because the girls who'd stolen his Pikachu had just *disappeared* into the crowd of people in the street.

Meanwhile, 'Nurse Joy' and 'the male nurse' popped up from behind the counter, dressed in Team Rocket uniforms. Jessi and James...only...

In the rush to get changed they'd gotten the uniforms backwards.

James was wearing Jessi's mini-skirt and Jessi was wearing James's pants and boots. The top was tight across the shoulders and loose in...other places. Jessi was swimming in James's uniform.

"Uh..." they both mumbled and ducked down again, faces red. In a couple seconds they popped up again, in the right tops, but James still wore the mini-skirt and Jessi still wore the pants. Realizing they still had it wrong they ducked and in the silence ensuing from Ash, Misty and Brock staring wide-eyed (?) at them, little grumbles and stuff were heard from the changing people.

"...pass me that boot...Jessi, how do you stand wearing these things?...shut up!..."

Ash, Misty and Brock all burst out laughing, despite themselves. Team Rocket popped up, properly dressed, and started into their motto while the two girls walked back in in their own Odd Rocket outfits with Pikachu stored out of view in Frog's bag of plenty.

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples within our nation." James said, puzzled because he couldn't find his rose. Oh, yeah, he'd left it in the vase. Kianna tossed him a white rose so he could finish the motto. (strange, but it worked, for now at least)

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight."

Ash stared at the two girls, totally ignoring Jessi and James.

"Do you have a motto?" Misty asked challengingly. Frogwoman and Kianna looked at each other, faces going red.

"Uh...yeah..." Kianna said.

"Should we...?" Frogwoman asked.

"Why not? It suits us."

"Okay. We *are* Odd Rocket."

"One giant octopus floating in the sea."

"Sucked on a chicken leg and handed it to me."

"I took the chicken leg and handed it to thee."

"And so on and so forth until it turned green." Frogwoman said, pointing her pencil of doom directly at Ash's face.

"Till it turned green!" they finished together.

Ash, Misty and Brock were turning green too.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, what did you think? What did you think?" Kianna demanded, grinning, hands clasped and jumping up and down.

"I'm so proud." said Frogwoman, wiping away a single tear with her index finger.

"Dis-gusting." Ash and Misty said at the same time.

"I agree." Brock said.

"Actually, so do I." Frogwoman remarked.

"Give me back my Pikachu!" Ash demanded. All the Rocket members burst out laughing and Team Twerp all got very large sweatdrops.

"Oh no, we need to do our motto over again because I didn't have my rose." Kianna said sounding very worried. Team Twerps' sweatdrops doubled in size as they fell flat on their backs with their feet in the air.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Kianna laughed evilly, "Fooled you!" Since Team Twerp were all still on their backs, they couldn't get up fast enough to get Team Rocket and Odd Rocket before they ran out.

"You can't catch us, Ash Ketchum!" Frogwoman mocked as she tucked her pencil back behind her ear.

Ash jumped to his feet, "Foiled *again*!" Brock and Misty fell over again.


Kianna, Frogwoman, Jessi and James all wore casual clothes onto the plane, and Frogwoman spent the entire trip drawing people and talking French, Kianna slept and listened to her Discman, James posed for Frogwoman and Jessi stared out the window so she wouldn't *see* James posing for Frogwoman. Unfortunately, Meowth and Pikachu, who refused to go into Poké balls, had to ride in baggage!

They walked off the plane and straight to the Pokémon collector's huge, antique- filled mansion. As they walked, Frogwoman briefed everyone on the mission.

"Okay, the guy's name is Jiggy." she said, reading from a mission card, "He collects rare Pokémon and no one really knows how many Pokémon he has. He's an avid Pokémon hunter, but he buys most of his Pokémon. Our mission: to steal a MewTwo."

They changed into their disguises, and knocked on the door. There was a long wait and then a tall guy, taller than James, opened the door. Frogwoman stepped forward, all of her long hair pulled into a plain ponytail at her back and her usual hat stuck down on top. She cradled a clipboard in her left arm and held her pencil poised above it. She wore the same coveralls the others wore.

The guy who opened the door looked...impressive. He wore khakis and a safari- type hat that was in the top of style right then and had bleach-blond hair that was closer to white than blond. He also had piercing green eyes.

"Hello." he said in a sophisticated voice with a bit of an accent that was undefinable.

"Hi. We're here to do the yearly inspection on all your gas fireplaces."

"Just you four for *all* of my fifty-three gas fireplaces?" the guy said.

"Yes Mr...." Frogwoman said, inspecting the *blank* piece of paper on the clipboard as if she was checking for his name, "Yes...Mr Jiggy?"

"Yes, that's me. Come on in, then." he said, holding the door open and letting them in.

"Where do we start, Mr Jiggy."

"Call me Jiggy." he said. James had his hand up over his face as if he was adjusting his hat, but Frogwoman, Kianna and Jessi could tell he was blushing. Jessi nudged him.

"What's wrong?" she hissed.

"Um...nothing?" James replied, going even redder.

"Is that *you* James? My dear cousin, James?" Jiggy asked. James's entire face went beet red and he shook his head really hard.

"No its not me."

"James, I didn't know you worked as a *gas*...hee hee...*fireplace*...hee hee...*repairman*." Jiggy choked.

James's face slowly went red from the bottom to the top and he got flames in his eyes, "I don't....!" he started to burst out, when Frogwoman calmly reached out the hand that wasn't holding her pencil of doom and clamped it over his mouth.

"Well, Jiggy, where should we get started?" Frogwoman asked.

"You and your friend here..." he said, indicating Kianna, "...can work in the library and this girl and...hee hee...*James* can go upstairs."

Suddenly, in a desperate plea to escape, Pikachu jumped out of Frogwoman's bag and started running towards the still-open door. Jiggy grabbed its tail before it could escape.

"Oh, a Pikachu! I love the tails on Pikachus. This one would make a perfect hat for when I go Jigglypuff-hunting!" Jiggy said, whipping a huge musket-like gun from absolutely nowhere and pointing it at Pikachu, who stopped dead in its tracks and shivered with a huge sweatdrop.

"No. That's ours." Frogwoman said, calmly letting go of James's face, grabbing Pikachu and shoving it in her bag, "It was payment for our last job...a tip, I guess."

"Oh." Jiggy said, sounding disappointed and releasing the bazooka to whatever oblivion it usually existed in. Frogwoman grabbed Kianna's arm and pulled her into the library.

"Be careful, the library's where I keep all my most rare and valuable Pokémon..." Jiggy called after them.


"How do we get this confounded glass case open?" Frogwoman demanded. Kianna shrugged and tried to pry it off. It didn't succeed, and just as she was trying to get it off Jiggy walked in.

"What are you doing?"

" if there's a disposal system on this glass case with lots and lots of rare and unusual and *valuable* Pokémon." Frogwoman stuttered.

"Okay. I was just wondering because I thought you might be trying to steal one of the MewTwos and if you were I was just going to tell you that I usually use the button on the wall." he said.

Frogwoman and Kianna fell over on thier backs with their feet in the air.

"You mean you don't mind if we steal a MewTwo?" Frogwoman demanded.

"No, not at all! If you'd like one for your boss and one for yourselves as well, go ahead! I got them four for a million, it was a steal! Go ahead, then, ta-ta!"

He walked out and Frogwoman pushed the button on the wall. The glass case slid open. Suddenly they heard a loud growl in the background.

"Aaaargh! Close the case or I'll shoot ya both in the butts!" rang out a strong female voice.

Frogwoman and Kianna turned to face the girl. She had short black hair that faded to a very bright red on the bottoms, with two long strands hanging alongside each side of her face. She wore a safari hat, hiking boots, cargo pants and a navy-blue shirt with a huge black diamond on the chest. She pointed a huge gun at the two girls.

"Who goes there?!" she demanded.

"We're members of Team Rocket who are here to steal the MewTwos Jiggy said we could steal. He showed us the button."

The girl lowered her gun, "Oh. I'm Dragon, a Pokémon huntress. I'm Jiggy's hunting partner. Team Rocket? So you guys probably know my cousin and Jiggy's eh?"

"James? Yeah, we know him...but, I don't know about your cousin."

"Jessica. She's with James...?"


"They going out?"


"They always liked each other..."

Frogwoman and Kianna looked at each other and burst out laughing, "Oh yeah!" they said at the same time.

"So if I can't shoot you, do you see any Jigglypuffs around? I seriously need to shoot something!"

"Dragon, dear, we aren't killing Pokémon, we're merely capturing them!" said Jiggy's cultured voice from behind them. Frogwoman and Kianna spun to look. Jiggy had his big gun again, and the two Odd Rockets shivered, with two guns pointing at them.

Jiggy shot his gun suddenly and a Poké ball shot out, just as a Jigglypuff scooted by. The Poké ball missed. Jiggy sighed and Dragon rolled her eyes.

"Jiggy, dear, an inability to catch Pokémon must run in your family." Dragon said, and Jiggy smiled at her. They walked into the foyer together, leaving Odd Rocket to steal two MewTwos.

When they were finished the met up with Jiggy, Dragon, Jessi and James, who were visiting with each other in the foyer.

"So. How's the family reunion?" Frogwoman asked off-handedly. Jessi and Dragon were in a fight, of course, since temper and violence seemed to run in that family. Jiggy and James were discussing the finer points of roses and antiques.

"You know...this is exceedingly strange." Frogwoman remarked.

"You're not kidding, Raina."

"Raina? Who's Raina....oh...that's me!" Frogwoman said sheepishly.

Kianna rolled her eyes and tapped Jessi on the shoulder. Jessi almost hit her until she realized that it was Kianna, who would hit her back. She didn't.

"Well, we'd best head back to Headquarters to give the boss this MewTwo." Kianna informed Jessi.

"...and this rose is a Mahogany City rose, which are only the best..." James was saying.

"Yes...that reminds me of the beautiful antique mahogany hutch I just purchased from a dealer in France..." Jiggy was saying at the same time, and they understood each other perfectly.

Jessi grabbed James's arm and dragged him towards the door, "Bye Dragon! Nice to see you again."

"Ta-ta James." Jiggy said a little sarcastically.

"Get lost!" Dragon shouted after Jessi.

"Thank you for the MewTwos." Frogwoman said gravely shaking Jiggy's hand. Dragon glared at her.

"MewTwos? Thank you?" Jiggy asked, winking, "But no one could steal my MewTwos..."

"Is Dragon your nickname?" Kianna was asking.

"No!" Dragon snapped, "My parents actually named me that! Got a problem with it?!" she finished off, lifting her gun again.

"No, no, not at all..." Kianna said, backing towards the door. They walked out together, leaving Jiggy and Dragon behind.

"You know, I actually think those two make a better couple than Jessi and James..." Frogwoman remarked.

"I was just thinking the exact same sentence." Kianna remarked. They looked at each other.

"Creepy!" they said at the same time.


"I don't wanna get back on that plane!" Meowth whined.

"How about we use a portal?" Frogwoman remarked.

"Portal? You have your real pencil of *doom* with you?" Kianna asked.

"Yep. I can just make us a dimensional portal!"



They all looked down at Pikachu, who was hugging Frogwoman's leg.

"Pikachu says he thinks you two are smarter than Ash and he'd like to go with you." Meowth informed them.

Frogwoman reached down and patted Pikachu's head, "Okay! You can be a Jolteon substitute!"

"Sounds good to me!" Kianna added.

"So, about this portal..." James said nervously.

"Oh, I can just open one to the Headquarters." Frogwoman said, pulling the pencil from behind her ear and swirling it in a circle in front of them. Suddenly a silver portal appeared in front of her.

"Okay, everyone!" Kianna said cheerfully, tossing Pikachu through, then jumping in herself. Jessi, James and Meowth followed nervously. Frogwoman jumped in last.

"Geronimo!" she yelled, grinning, "I *love* portals!"


When they landed, Frogwoman and Kianna were in plain clothes again.

"How did you two..." Jessi started, then waved a hand, "I don't want to know."

"We've decided we're leaving Team Rocket." Frogwoman said, looking at Kianna, who was rolling the two Master Balls with the MewTwos in them in one hand. James looked at them covetously.

"What about the misssion?" he whined.

"Oh, tell the boss we went traitor, and we're getting our own badges and you two completely succeeded in getting the MewTwo because Frogwoman doesn't want one and I only need one!" Kianna said.

"Okay." Jessi said cautiously. Kianna handed her one of the MewTwos. Jessi and James turned off towards the Headquarters door, and Frogwoman and Kianna waved after them and headed off down the path.


Epilogue (we have to tell what happened to everyone!)


Jessi and James: took over Team Rocket using the MewTwo, got married and had kids who were the best members ever of Team Rocket.

Meowth: never evolved. Stayed as Meowth, the 'Top Cat'.

Frogwoman and Kianna: got all their badges with the help of Pikachu and MewTwo, became Pokémon masters and then moved on to be mad scientists creating weird new Pokémon.

Jiggy and Dragon: never caught a Pokémon...but continued to buy them!

Ash, Misty and Brock: got over the loss of Pikachu, and tried to get all their badges. Ash never did get his badges and became a Poké Mart manager. Brock became an average breeder and settled down with the girl in the woods who gave Ash his Bulbasaur and had a lot of kids who grew up thinking they were Pokémon. Misty went into acting and got really famous.

The Narrator: woke up tied up in a dark alley beside a Dumpster. He never got back into narrating because of the post-traumatic stress syndrome.

The End!