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Shoot Me ~ Rocket Jesse


Rating: PG

Written: May '99

Category: Romance, humor

Spoilers: A teeny tiny one for Holy Matrimony

Disclaimer: Jesse, James and Meowth belong to the Poké people.

Summary: An accident turns out to be for the best.

Author's note: This is a companion piece to "A Pleasant Mistake." This one is told from James' point of view, and the other from Jesse's. You should probably read this one before the other one, instead of the other way around.. I just think it fits better that way.

Feedback: It's the way to go!


Shoot Me

by Rocket Jesse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You know those days that promise you rain, but it never comes? That's what this day was like. That smell was even there, but the clouds just held it in. You'll probably think I'm kinda weird for this, but . . . I like those kinds of days.

I had my back and elbows against the edge of our big hot-air balloon basket. Jesse was next to me, leaning over to keep an eye on our altitude, trying to convince me that bell bottoms are sooo over. It was beginning to get dark out, and a chill found its way up to us.

"It's getting really cold," I told her, just to change the subject. She was winning the argument. Always does.

"That's just 'cuz you guys don't have fur!" Meowth tried to prove he was better than a human almost every chance he could. I found it quite annoying that he didn't have to wear clothes to stay warm.

Jesse looked a little irked, too, but not nearly as threatening as usual. I guess she was just tired. "You always say that," she complained, before turning to face me.

I involuntarily straightened.

"Look at you. You have nice warm pants, a really nice warm turtleneck, and a really really nice warm jacket." She looked from my outfit to hers and motioned to it with her hand. "And look at what I'm wearing!"

I obeyed her command. What can I say? I never get tired of looking at her.

"What are you looking at, James?"

Her vexed voice shocked me. Not knowing how long I'd had my eyes trained on her body, I brought them up to hers and answered with something I hoped would provide the smallest injury possible. "Uh . . . nothing."

Miraculously, her only reaction was a sigh. I couldn't believe it! She must've been really sleepy.

But nevertheless . . . tired or not, she was still beautiful.

"Jesse?" I carefully asked, hoping she wasn't getting irritated with me.

She straightened her back and faced me with this really cute smile on her face.

No, I mean *really* cute.

It made me completely forget what I was going to say and I wondered if I'd really had anything to tell her in the first place. I didn't have to worry about it for too long, though.

The basket must've hit a tree or something, because it shook violently. My balance was thrown way off as I desperately reached around me for something to hold on to, but found nothing.

Jesse *must* have been in a good mood, because she stepped forward to catch me before I fell.

I don't think it worked out the way she'd planned.

Her being so little and me being so big (well, okay, not *that* big), I *totally* accidentally as in *not my fault* . . . fell on her.

But . . . ah . . . my mouth chose its own course. It kinda . . . landed on hers.

I swear, I had *nothing* to do with it! I really don't know how my mouth could've betrayed my manly dignity like that! Oh, man, she'd *kill* me!

Being the optimist that I am, I couldn't help but bring up the positive side to this situation. Namely, it would've been the *perfect* kiss, if not for the . . . element of surprise.

There was not an inch where the front of our bodies weren't pressed together.. Somehow our arms were wrapped around each other. It looked like something out of the movies.

Well, except for the weather.

What seemed like hours later, I realized that I couldn't stay like that forever. I tried not to think of why Jesse wasn't resisting. She certainly didn't *like* me. I reluctantly stood back up. "Uh . . . sorry, Jesse . . .."

That same smile was there again. She looked . . . I don't know . . . dreamy..

Wait, she just was surprised. There was no way she could've enjoyed that. I didn't know about her, but I was mortified beyond human capacity.

Quickly, I stepped to the opposite side of the basket to look at the green way down on the ground.

"You were supposed to be watching the altitude." Meowth was on the verge of laughter, and I felt like kicking him out of the balloon. How could anyone think that was funny?!

Jesse took a long time to answer him. "Shut up, Meowth. Wipe that smirk off your face. Take us down, I need a drink of water."

If I didn't know better, I'd say she was giddy.

But, of course, that's just not *Jesse*. She doesn't *get* giddy.

Not unless something involves or money Pokémon, anyway.

I could almost hear her glaring at Meowth, angry at him for the same reason I was.

It wasn't funny.

However, I was glad that we were going down. I had to get as far away from Jesse as I possibly could. Trying not to think of how much she must hate me, I pondered her pleased expression after I broke contact with her lips.





Maybe she was happy to see me so embarrassed.

Yeah, that sounds like her. Okay. That's good.

Because, you know, she doesn't *like* me.

As soon as the balloon touched down, I bolted out and hurried to the clearing I'd seen with a little stream.

I could stick my head in it.

"That was priceless, James." The cat scared the crap outta me.

"Geez, you scared the crap outta me."

So I'm not a writer. Sue me.

"I know something you don't know." He came around to stand in front of me while I parked my seat on the ground.

"I'd really like to be alone right now," I said through gritted teeth.

"Hey, calm down. I ain't here to make fun of you. This is about Jesse." Peering closely at my face, he told me, "You're about as red as her hair."

"Leave me alone!"

"Okay, okay; just listen to this one thing, then tell me if you still want me to leave."

I silently agreed by narrowing my eyes.

"Jesse is in love."

They widened.

I would've asked with who, but I couldn't speak. Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad.

Meowth must have noticed my face go pale. "Don't worry! She's in love with *you*, ya big idiot."

"Is not!" You can probably tell by now that denial is one of my favorite things.

"Yes, she is. I've seen the way she looks at you. Don't you think I'd know after spending every waking moment with the two of you?"

I refused to listen. "She probably hates me now for falling on her and . . .. kissing her . . ." Sighing heavily, I waved him away.

"I'll prove it to ya! Just wait and see!" Meowth scampered off and left me wallowing in my misery.

I moved myself closer to the stream and dappled my fingers in the water. My mind started to wander.

I'd probably have to ask the boss for a reassignment. There was no way Jesse would still want to work with me.

But the truth was, I didn't want to be a part of Team Rocket if I wasn't part of Jesse's life.

Oh well, whatever she wanted.

I wondered if she knew just how much I loved her. She was at least aware that I *did*. Who wouldn't be?

Did she realize that I gave up tons of money *just* so I could stay with her? I'd do anything she asked of me. I'd die for her if I had to.


I must've jumped about ten feet into the air. It seemed like everyone was trying to embarrass me. "Oh, umm . . . hey, Jesse."

Not being able to bear to face her, I remained still and removed my hand from the cold water.

She sat next to me. What was she trying to do to me? See how red my cheeks were, which would humiliate me even more?

"Something wrong?"

"I'm fine. I just need to be alone."

Alone, yeah right. Try kissed.

"I don't think you really want to be alone, now do you?" Although I couldn't detect any teasing tones in her voice, I was still suspicious as I lifted my eyes to hers. They were so pretty.

"You wouldn't understand."

And then, the most amazing thing happened. I had never experienced anything like it. She grinned and snaked her arms around the back of my neck so she could bring her mouth next to my ear.

"You sure?" she whispered, so seductively that there was no mistaking her intent. Not even for me.

I couldn't help but bring out the biggest smile I'd ever put on. Remember how embarrassed I was before? I was ten times that happy.

Jesse *did* feel something for me!


I mean, *WOW*.

It took me a second or two to process this, but then I felt all my love for her well up inside my chest and I knew that if I didn't do something, I'd explode.

Before I knew it, she was in my arms and I was kissing her again.

For real.

It was *great*.

Except for the snickering coming from the bushes.


I know it was a stupid ending. Cheer me up!

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