Forgivenn Ministries

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forgivenn MinistriesAmerica, America, How thou hath fallen from heaven. You who destroy your children before they are born, within the very womb which I Myself created. You do not weep for their sufferings, you do not cry for Justice. You do not shed tears for My children who are ripped apart in the hands of wicked men. You are mad, You are blind. You are deaf to their cries of pain, you refuse their screams for help. Your mothers are murderers, your daughters are whores, your sons are rapists, and your fathers are adulterers. How thou hast fallen America, How thou are cut to the ground. Thou hast embraced abominations and forsaken the righteous. I look into your hearts, and they are black and full of thorns. Your iniquities have ascended unto heaven and the cries of the righteous and innocent have reached unto My ear. For I hear the cries of the oppressed, I feel their pains of despair, and I will no longer remain silent. Behold, My wrath has come upon you.