Oct. 22nd, 2000

Sunday, Oct 22nd. 2000

Today, in your reading, the abomination that maketh desolate did sitteth himself in the Temple of God. Today, the man of sin did make himself known. Today, the son of perdition was hailed as a great man of peace, as a man of God, in the Temple of God, The Church. He was sitting in the church, on the RIGHT HAND of the "Pastor". It was Robert H. Schuller, and the anti-christ, the man with the mark upon his head, is Mikhail Gorbachev. It was as John the Baptist proclaiming the arrival of the Messiah, he was praised and honored. Robert Schuller said, "I want to BE Jesus Christ." He urged everyone to pray to God, EVEN if they did NOT believe in God. He asked everyone to pray daily, "Lord, please send someone to speak for you, and speak to me through them." Also, "Those who believe in Jesus have Power." He is making the way for the anti-christ, for Robert H. Schuller has no power, he is altogether apostate, Mystery Babylon. Over and over, he asked people to "Remember Jesus." Robert Schuller emphasied Himself preaching for 30 years, similar to Jesus beginning His ministry at 30 years. Mikhail Gorbachev is the Anti-Christ, The Tribulation has begun. May the Lord be with us all.

Chicago Tribune, Oct 21st, 2000
Dr. Robert H. Schuller's special "Hour of Power" guest Mikhail Gorbachev
This Sunday, Oct 22, 2000 at 7:00 am, Also seen Saturday Oct 2st, at 8:00 pm on TBN.
