I speak unto thee and I say that there are many men upon the earth who have grieved me, I say they have grievously rebelled against me. And I say though I have pled with them and though I have desired them, I say they have hardened the heart and stiffened the neck and I say that they have rebelled against me. I say there are many such ones that clutter the earth, and I say because they refuse me, I say that I shall refuse them, and I say that I shall send forth my angels of death. I say even from this hour, I say that I am sending forth my angels of death and I say my angels shall do those things which I the Living God would desire towards those who have hardened the heart and stiffened the neck and rebelled against me. For truly I say that I am sick of them and I say I shall send forth, yeah, I say I shall send forth my angels of death, and I say they shall execute my judgements swiftly. For truly I speak unto thee and I say that I am tired of those who have wrestled and wrestled and wrestled against me and who have refused me. And I say now, I shall refuse them and I shall no longer plead with them. But I say that I shall turn from them over to the estate that they have longed for, that is the estate of destruction and death. For I speak unto thee and I say when any man will turn his back on me, I say he sets himself to be destroyed and I say when men will adamantly refuse my gestures of love, and they will refuse my mercies and my loving kindness, I say the time will come that I no longer plead with them. I say there are many upon th earth that I will rid myself of, for I say they are destined to be destroyed. I say that I send forth, even from this hour, my angels of death and they shall do their job. For I speak unto thee and I say that is my time and my determination and I say that I shall cleanse myself of my own difficulties. Truly those ones who despise my way, I say they oppose me as a difficulty. But I say that I shall rid myself of them even in this hour. I speak unto thee my people, I say long for me with all your hearts, I say seek to be obedient vessels. For truly it is the obedient who shall receive my goodness and my mercy. Do not trample my loving kindness nor be as the hard hearted and stiff necked, but I say be a people who continually bow the knee and bend down. I say keep thy selves in subjectivity to the commands of my Spirit. When you will seek to humble yourselves you shall not be disappointed, but I say that ye shall be brought forth in the clear light of who I am. Rejoice be glad that I give thee my light upon thy pathway, that I give thee my light upon thy pathway and that you are led forth, I say rejoice, be glad, I say, rejoice, be glad.

Thank me that I the Lord they God do show unto thee tender mercies, and loving kindnesses, I say thank me that without my light you would stumble and fall in the ditch and be destroyed. Thank me that the light is given unto thee and that you are privileged to receive the same, I say rejoice be glad that you are called to be children of light. Therefore I say walk in the light with all thy heart, with all thy determinatioin, with all of they mind. For I say indeed, I have called thee to be children of the light.

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